Silver Is The Achilles Heel Of The Corrupt Deep State Banker’s Paradigm

Buying physical silver is by far the greatest act of wisdom and rebellion any American can and should be doing right now. It is both a Silver Bullet to rebel against the Elite’s corrupt system and a Silver Shield to protect your family and wealth in a post-dollar world. Buying physical silver is non-violent, non-compliant resistance. Most importantly, it works outside of the system and it cannot be stopped.

As long as you play by the Elite’s rules, the Elite will rule.” -Chris Duane

Buying physical silver is by far the greatest act of wisdom and rebellion any American can and should be doing right now. It is both a Silver Bullet to rebel against the Elite’s corrupt system and a Silver Shield to protect your family and wealth in a post-dollar world. Buying physical silver is non-violent, non-compliant resistance. Most importantly, it works outside of the system and it cannot be stopped.

“As long as you play by the Elite’s rules, the Elite will rule.”-Chris Duane

Any effort trying to work within the Elite’s paradigm, will fail. The Tea Party march on Washington failed. It failed like the 2010 Tea Party Congressional campaign. If failed because nothing happened, and nothing changed. That is not to say they were not great exercises in power. It just will never bring about any real change, because awareness campaigns and marches are not enough. The Elite that control our reality don’t really care what we do or say, so long as we do not threaten the root of their power. We have to hack at the root.

In this article, I intend to put forth a plan that will fundamentally change the game and do it from outside the system. It will overthrow the Elitist system that enslaves us with debt and do so without a shot being fired. Most importantly, there is no way the Elite can stop it. The plan is quite simple, sell every single asset you own right now and buy physical silver.

As with anything else in life, knowing the answer is not as important as knowing the “why.”

The “why” is what brings about fundamental change in your thinking.

This change in thinking brings about absolute certainty of the outcome.

Absolute certainty brings about massive action.

Alexander Haig 1981, Andrews Air Force Base, M...
Alexander Haig 1981

“Let them march all they want, so long as they pay their taxes…”– General Alexander Haig

Before I go any further, I want to have my “cover my ass” moment. I am not a financial adviser. (You can see my parody of these CON men in my video Wall St Laughs at Main St.I am extremely biased and fully invested in silver. Silver is extremely volatile and not suitable for most investors. Look at what happened in 2008; and just yesterday, it was down 5% in 15 minutes.

I will not be held liable for any losses you may incur, but I will be glad to take any donations if things do go the way I predict. You need to have food, water, guns, ammo and supplies before you should even consider investing in silver full force.   The most important preparation you can make is mental preparation and nothing does that better than the Sons of Liberty Academy.

Before you let my highly convincing arguments wash over you, take time to do your own due diligence. Don’t make any rash decisions — decisions like selling your house, 401k, stocks or family business to go out and buy as much silver as you can get your hands on, with a seven and a half month pregnant wife. Only a crazy person would do that… Right?;)

Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. 

But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money.” 

– Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England (appointed 1928) and reputed to be the 2nd wealthiest man in England at that time.

Silver is the Achilles Heel of the Elite’s paradigm. By transferring their fake, corrupt paper money into real, honest money, like silver, it will ultimately destroy their control of the money/debt. The more money/debt they create, the more it will work against them as we put more of that money into silver. Think of it: every single evil in this world is made possible only through the Elite’s debt/money system. 

Through the control of the of the privately and foreign owned central banks, the Elite control our money, food, industries, government, media, natural resources, capital markets, military and, ultimately, you. This iron-fisted control enables wars, propaganda, police states, corruption, pollution, crime, drug trade, disintegration of families, etc.

In fact, you show me the evil that you fight against, and I will show you how it always comes back to the very corrupt basis of our money. I intend to show how silver is the antiseptic for all of these ills.

Buying physical silver acts both as a Silver Bullet to the all of the evils in the world and as a Silver Shield for all that you love in this world.

•       Buying silver will bring about more political change than all of the political campaigns will ever do.

•       It will reverse the tide of wealth from going to the Elite and even to Asia.

•       It will stop tyranny and free billions from the bondage of debt slavery.

•       It will bring about a new era of human progress unlike anything we could imagine right now.

If we simply take away the Elite’s power, how fast could we progress as a race if we did not waste our efforts on debt, wars, and taxes? The Silver Bullet and Silver Shield can and will bring about this change.Now that I have raised the bar to the moon, let’s get this show going.

Don’t Tread On Me


From Jim Butler ( and Miles Franklin (free) e-newsletter: (this is the most ‘bullish’ thing I’ve read, on where silver prices will likely go, in the future:)

“So here’s my takeaway – total world silver inventories appear no greater than the one billion ounce level I had long guesstimated and may, in fact, be significantly less. That’s one billion ounces (or less) in a world with almost 7 billion souls. I’ll do the math for you – there is less than 0.15% of one ounce per capita. In dollars, that comes to about $5 worth of silver per capita. Just for comparison purposes, the per capita dollar value of gold bullion (3 billion ounces) comes to $650 per head, or 130 times more than silver. If that doesn’t auger well for silver outperforming gold in the future, I don’t what does.

Pay attention to the daily changes in recorded silver inventories, but not to the point of losing track of the big picture. The big picture shows there is an incredibly small amount of silver in the world, much less than just about anyone realizes.

Ron Paul Holding The ‘Silver Bullet’ That Will Bring Down Bernake’s Private Cabal ~ The Federal Reserve!

Bernake Smack-down Retaliation From Last Wednesday: Ron Paul Exposed Real Silver vs Paper Silver aka; ‘Derivative Silver’

Silver Update: Kavakoli ~ Expect Thousands Of Felony Indictments!


America’s Antidote & Powerful Tools To Bankrupt Rothschild Banksters: Silver, Glass Steagall Act H.R. 1489, & The 25th. Amendment!

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