Wars Of The British Banking Cabalists.

Second Amendment

The colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been that England took away from the colonies their money, which created unemployment and dissatisfaction. The inability of the colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the hands of George III and the international bankers was the primary reason for the Revolutionary War.”

Benjamin Franklin

American Revolution

Our War Is Against The British Monarchy, Who Are Trying To Implode Our Country From The Inside By BUBBLES calling It New World Order, While At The Same Time, Trying To Preoccupy Us With Iraq, Iran, Israel, Pakistan, Egypt, China, North Korea:

More than $9 trillion in bailouts to Wall Street for unbacked credit mortgages called derivatives by the Federal Reserve – An amount equal to $32,000 for every man, woman and child in America!  And absolutely no one is keeping track of the whereabouts of those losses.

Though I place no confidence in Alan Grayson, His questioning here of Inspector General Of The Federal Reserve Is Quit pointed and relevant. It is obvious that this line of questioning as of date, produced no relief for The American Citizen. In conclusion, this is nothing more than a puppet show. We actually have no power over the Privately Owned Federal Reserve. We must as other Presidents kick them out as The American Citizen is responsible for controlling, printing their own money.


New World Order

“Today, most American students don’t even understand what a central bank is, much less that the battle over central banks is one of the most important themes in U.S. history.

The truth is that our nation was birthed in the midst of a conflict over taxation and the control of our money. Central banking has played a key role in nearly all of the wars that America has fought.

Presidents that resisted the central bankers were shot, while others shamefully caved in to their demands. Our current central bank is called the Federal Reserve and it is about as “federal” as Federal Express is.

  1. True Cost Of Debt Ceiling Alone By ‘Too Big To Fail Bailout’ ~ From $700 Billion To $12.8 Trillion.
  2. Breaking => Banking Cabalist’s Global Warming Scheme Blown Out Of The Water: NASA Satellite Data.

The truth is that it is a privately-owned financial institution that is designed to ensnare the U.S. government in an endlessly expanding spiral of debt from which there is no escape.

The Federal Reserve caused the Great Depression and the Federal Reserve is at the core of our current economic crisis. None of these things are taught to students in America’s schools today.

  1. Historians speak out against proposed Texas textbook changes

In 2010, young Americans are taught a sanitized version of American history that doesn’t even make any sense. As with so many things, if you want to know what really happened just follow the money.

The following are 41 facts about the history of central banks in the United States that every American should know….

#1 As a result of the Seven Years War with France, King George III of England was deeply in debt to the central bankers of England.

#2 In an attempt to raise revenue, King George tried to heavily tax the colonies in America.

#3 In 1763, Benjamin Franklin was asked by the Bank of England why the colonies were so prosperous, and this was his response:
“That is simple. In the colonies we issue our own money. It is called Colonial Scrip. We issue it in proper proportion to the demands of trade and industry to make the products pass easily from the producers to the consumers.
In this manner, creating for ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power, and we have no interest to pay to bankers.”

#4 The Currency Act of 1764 ordered the American Colonists to stop printing their own money. Colonial scrip (the money the colonists were using at the time) was to be exchanged at a two-to-one ratio for “notes” from the Bank of England.

#5 Later, in his autobiography, Benjamin Franklin explained the impact that this currency change had on the colonies:
“In one year, the conditions were so reversed that the era of prosperity ended, and a depression set in, to such an extent that the streets of the Colonies were filled with unemployed.”

#6 In fact, Benjamin Franklin stated unequivocally in his autobiography that the power to issue currency was the primary reason for the Revolutionary War:
“The colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been that England took away from the colonies their money, which created unemployment and dissatisfaction. The inability of the colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the hands of George III and the international bankers was the primary reason for the Revolutionary War.”

#7 Gouverneur Morris, one of the authors of the U.S. Constitution, solemnly warned us in 1787 that we must not allow the bankers to enslave us:
“The rich will strive to establish their dominion and enslave the rest. They always did. They always will… They will have the same effect here as elsewhere, if we do not, by (the power of) government, keep them in their proper spheres.”

#8 Unfortunately, those warning us about the dangers of a central bank did not prevail. After an aborted attempt to establish a central bank in the 1780s, the First Bank of the United States was established in 1791. Alexander Hamilton (who had close ties to the Rothschild banking family) cut a deal under which he would support the move of the nation’s capital to Washington D.C. in exchange for southern support for the establishment of a central bank.

#9 George Washington signed the bill creating the First Bank of the United States on April 25, 1791. It was given a 20 year charter.

#10 In the first five years of the First Bank of the United States, the U.S. government borrowed 8.2 million dollars and prices rose by 72 percent.

#11 The opponents of central banking were not pleased. In 1798, Thomas Jefferson said the following:
“I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution – taking from the federal government their power of borrowing.”

#12 In 1811, the charter of the First Bank of the United States was not renewed.

#13 One year later, the War of 1812 erupted. The British and the Americans were at war once again.

#14 In 1814, the British captured and burned Washington D.C., but the Americans subsequently experienced key victories at New York and at New Orleans.

#15 The Treaty of Ghent, officially ending the war, was ratified by the U.S. Senate on February 16th, 1815 and was ratified by the British on February 18th, 1815.

#16 In 1816, another central bank was created. The Second Bank of the United States was established and was given a 20 year charter.

It would not be until 1913 that the Rothschilds would be able to set up their third central bank in America, the Federal Reserve.

Thus the need for the Glass Steagall Act by FDR, which protected Americans from Rothschild exploitation by investment banking.

Bill Clinton subsequently repealed The Glass Steagall Act in 1999, which allowed Rothschild to foment a housing bubble, using fraudulent derivative backed mortgages.

This then led to the pretext for too big to fail by Rothschild cronies, which subjugates Americans, to pay off $Trillions worth of printed money.

Re-Introduction of the Glass Steagall Act, would retroactively make Rothschild responsible for his own housing bubble debt, and retroactively lower the debt ceiling into normal levels.

#23 The Civil War was another opportunity for the central bankers of Europe to get their hooks into America. In fact, it is claimed that Abraham Lincoln actually contacted Rothschild banking interests in Europe in an attempt to finance the war effort. Reportedly, the Rothschilds were demanding very high interest rates and Lincoln balked at paying them.

#24 Instead, Lincoln pushed through the Legal Tender Act of 1862. Under that act, the U.S. government issued $449,338,902 of debt-free money.

#25 This debt-free money was known as “Greenbacks” because of the green ink that was used.

#26 The central bankers of Europe were not pleased. The following quote appeared in the London Times in 1865:
“If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in North America, shall become endurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains, and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”

#27 Abraham Lincoln was shot dead by John Wilkes Booth on April 14th, 1865.

#28 After the Civil War, all money in the United States was created by bankers buying U.S. government bonds in exchange for bank notes.

#29 James A. Garfield became president in 1881, and he was a staunch opponent of the banking powers. In 1881 he said the following:
“Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerce…and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.”

#30 President Garfield was shot about two weeks later by Charles J. Guiteau on July 2nd, 1881. He died from medical complications on September 19th, 1881.

#31 In 1906, the U.S. stock market was setting all kinds of records. However, in March 1907 the U.S. stock market absolutely crashed. It is alleged that elite New York bankers were responsible.

#32 In addition, in 1907 J.P. Morgan circulated rumors that a major New York bank had gone bankrupt. This caused a massive run on the banks. In turn, the banks started recalling all of their loans. The panic of 1907 resulted in a congressional investigation that ended up concluding that a central bank was “necessary” so that these kinds of panics would never happen again.

#33 It took a few years, but the international bankers finally got their central bank in 1913.

#34 Congress voted on the Rothschild’s Federal Reserve Act on December 22nd, 1913 between the hours of 1:30 AM and 4:30 AM.

#35 A significant portion of Congress was either sleeping at the time or was already at home with their families celebrating the holidays.

#36 The president that signed the law that created the Federal Reserve, Woodrow Wilson, later sounded like he very much regretted the decision when he wrote the following:
“A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men … [W]e have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world–no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men.”

#37 Between 1921 and 1929 the Federal Reserve increased the U.S. money supply by 62 percent. This was the time known as “The Roaring 20s”.

#38 In addition, highly leveraged “margin loans” became very common during this time period.

#39 In October 1929, the New York bankers started calling in these margin loans on a massive scale. This created the initial crash that launched the Great Depression.

#40 Rather than expand the money supply in response to this crisis, the Federal Reserve really tightened it up.

#41 In fact, it was reported that the U.S. money supply contracted by eight billion dollars between 1929 and 1933. That was an extraordinary amount of money in those days. Over one-third of all U.S. banks went bankrupt. The New York bankers were able to buy up other banks and all kinds of other assets for pennies on the dollar.

But are American students being taught any of this today?
Of course not.
In fact, it is a rare student that can even adequately explain what a central bank is.
We have lost so much of what is important about our history.
And you know what they say – those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

It is absolutely critical that we educate as many Americans as possible about what is really going on in our financial system and about why we need to make some truly fundamental changes.”


Below are two more short videos which discuss the corrupt, private Federal Reserve system:

International bankers often use warfare to set up ”Central Banking systems that are privately controlled” across the globe.

1. Finance both, or all, sides in war for enormous profits.
2. Profit from the selling of arms through their Military Industrial Complex.
3. Make loans for the rebuilding of countries after the destruction.
4. Get countries under control through debt.
5. Take control of countries by installing puppet regimes, corporate-friendly dictators, or bought-off politicians
6. Take over a country’s resources by military intervention,  or  take control when a country defaults on its war debts.
7. To eliminate (kill) specific citizens who do not wish their country to be under the control of International Banking privateers….in short, to remove any and all resistance to global, private-banking fraud.

The “War On Terror” Is A $6 Trillion Racket, With $1 Trillion In Interest Alone, Exceeding The Total Cost Of World War II

When Obama launched his re-election propaganda campaign to trick the American public into thinking that he intends to end the Af-Pak War, he said that the “War on Terror” has cost $1 trillion over the past decade. While that is a staggering amount of money, he was being deceitful once again.

As you may have heard, a newly released study by the Eisenhower Research Project at Brown University revealed that the cost of the War on Terror is significantly greater than Obama has said. The little passing coverage the study received in the mainstream press cited $3.7 trillion as the total cost, which was the most conservative estimate. The moderate estimate, which the mainstream media ignored, was $4.4 trillion. In addition, interest payments on these costs will most likely exceed $1 trillion, which brings the total cost up to at least $5.4 trillion. The report also states that the following costs are not even included in this total:

“THESE TOTALS DO NOT INCLUDE: Medicare costs for injured veterans after age 65; Expenses for veterans paid for by state and local government budgets; Promised $5.3 billion reconstruction aid for Afghanistan; Additional macroeconomic consequences of war spending including infrastructure and jobs.”

David Callahan, reporting for The Policy Shop, summed up the report’s cost estimates:

“… the total direct and indirect costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan may exceed $6 trillion…. That figure comes from combining congressional appropriations for the wars over the past decade ($1.3 trillion), additional spending by the Pentagon related to the wars ($326 – $652 billion), interest so far on Pentagon war appropriations, all of which was borrowed ($185 billion), immediate medical costs for veterans ($32 billion), war related foreign aid ($74 billion), homeland security spending ($401 billion), projected medical costs for veterans through 2051 ($589 – $934 billion), social costs to military families ($295 – $400 billion), projected Pentagon war spending and foreign aid as troops wind down in the two war zones ($453 billion); and interest payments on all this spending through 2020 ($1 trillion).”

Once you add up all these costs, and also consider the fact that these wars are not ending anytime soon, the War on Terror will easily cost us well over $6 trillion. To put the War on Terror’s cost in context, according to the Congressional Budget Office, the total cost of World War II, adjusted for inflation, was $4.1 trillion.

Another major deception is the reported annual military budget. The FY 2012 military budget is often cited as being $690 billion. Again, that is a huge sum of money for one year. However, when you add up all the other military expenditures not included in this budget, you find that our true total annual budget “likely exceeds $1.5 trillion.

  1. Defund The F-35, Restore The F-22 Raptor: Investigations Point To Illegal Pentagon Lobbying ~ World’s Most Advanced Fighter Jet The F-22 Raptor Decommissioned By McCain For Obama’s G.E. F-35 Flying Clay Pigeon.

To put this cost in perspective, as the average American has little understanding of how much money this is, one trillion is equal to 1000 billion. If you took all the state budget deficits and combined them, which are leading to cuts in vital social programs that will negatively impact the lives of millions of Americans, you would need a small fraction of one trillion, $140 billion (roughly equivalent to the annual military interest payment), to balance every state budget and avoid cuts to all programs.

Hundreds Of Billions Of Dollars In Fraud And Waste

When you breakdown the spending on the War on Terror, you see hundreds of billions of dollars in shocking fraud and waste across the board. When it comes to fraud, a Defense Department report revealed:

“The military paid a total of $285 billion to more than 100 contractors between 2007 and ’09, even though those same companies were defrauding taxpayers in the same period… What’s perhaps most shocking is that billions of dollars went to contractors who had been either suspended or debarred for misusing taxpayer funds. The Pentagon also spent $270 billion on 91 contractors involved in civil fraud cases… Another $682 million went to 30 contractors convicted of criminal fraud.”

There have also been several cases where billions of dollars have gone missing. To name one recent revelation, the Federal Reserve shipped between $6.6 billion to $18.7 billion to Iraq for reconstruction that was stolen.

The reason there is such discrepancy in the amount stolen in this case is due to the fact that the New York Federal Reserve is refusing to disclose the total amount. This is just one of several cases where billions of dollars in aide to Iraq and Afghanistan have gone missing.

Not to mention the obscene and exorbitant fees charged by many private military companies. Earlier this year, the Congressional Commission on Wartime Contracting revealed that “tens of billions of dollars” have been wasted on private military contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan – and the amount spent on private contracting has dramatically increased during the Obama Administration.

When it comes to shocking examples of waste, it costs the military in Afghanistan $400 for a gallon gas, and the Marines alone use 800,000 gallons a day. Another report reveals that the military spends $20.2 billion a year on air conditioning. That’s $20.2 billion a year on AC. There are more absurdities in military spending than you can imagine. The list goes on and on.

Let’s also not forget that the Pentagon’s “own auditors admit the military cannot account for 25 percent of what it spends.” By these measures, the estimated overall total of $1.5 trillion in annual military spending would mean that $375 billion goes unaccounted for, per year.

War Is A Racket

For anyone who researches this, it is easy to see that the primary goal is not our safety, it is huge profits for military companies and global banking interests. As famed two-time Congressional Medal of Honor Award winner Major General Butler said:

“War is a racket… easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious… It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives….

It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes….

I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers.

In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.”

The global financial elite profit off of the war, while the American public bares the severe financial costs. In this regard, not to mention the loss of life and civil liberties, the War on Terror is a waragainst the American people. As President Eisenhower said, every dollar spent on war is a dollar not spent on education, food, health care, etc:

“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron.”

Spiraling Toward World War III

When you research the geopolitical environment, as scary as it sounds, you will conclude that if we stay on our present course, we are headed for an escalation in wars. As we spiral toward World War III, with collapsing economies, increasingly extreme weather conditions, limited resources and rising demand, the US military machine is on steroids, creating enemies and arming brutal regimes all over the world.

The pivotal US relationship with Pakistan is going from bad to worse. Leading American adversaries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, North Korea, Venezuela, Russia, Iraq, Syria and Iran have all been building strong alliances with China. Obama continues to support the US-NATO war with Libya and the Saudi Arabian led military crackdown on popular uprisings in many countries throughout the Middle East and Northern Africa. In this region, Yemen, Syria, Bahrain, Somalia and Ivory Coast, to name a few countries, are all flaring up in armed conflict. Not to mention Israel’s escalating conflicts with Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran. The highly under-reported international drug war is also becoming much more violent, with private military contractors once again reaping huge profits.

Mix all these increasing tensions with runaway military spending and war profiteering, and you have Eisenhower’s worst fears realized, a world dominated by out of control military companies.

The Price of Empire – Another Example of How The ‘War on Terror’ Is A War Against The American Public

The Minnesota budget crisis inspired the Star Tribune to report on the amount of tax money they are “squandering” on the military. Here’s another perfect example of how the financial costs of the “War on Terror” racket are destroying American society. “To better understand the impact on Minnesota of privileging military spending priorities, consider this: We have just experienced a painful government shutdown over how to deal with a two-year $5 billion shortfall. Yet Minnesota taxpayers over the same …

War Racket: Investigation Finds ‘Documented, Credible Evidence of Support for the Enemy,’ As US Wastes $34 Billion in Private Military Contracts

More revelations from the $6 trillion war racket… An investigation into corruption in war contracting found “documented, credible evidence… of involvement in a criminal enterprise or support for the enemy.” This comes while the Congressional Commission on Wartime Contracting is about to release their findings on what has been reported as a waste of “$34 billion on service contracts with the private sector in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.” When you breakdown the spending on the War on Terror, you s…

Dangerously Blurring the Line: How the DoD Allows Contractors to Grade Themselves and Write Their Own Contract Terms

The Department of Defense (DoD) Inspector General’s (IG) office recently found that the Marine Corp allowed their contactors for a vital troop protection system to act as government employees, including directing and evaluating government employees’ work, grading their own work and writing up requirements for the follow-on contract. The contractors then bid on those requirements and won multimillion-dollar contracts. The IG issued a report this month with the mundane title, “Contract Management of Jo…

Lockdown: U.S. Builds New Jails Across Afghanistan

The U.S. is going to keep holding detainees in Afghanistan for a long, long time to come – as new military construction contracts reveal. The Army Corps of Engineers just hired an Afghan contractor to build a new “U.S. government controlled detention facility.” It’s got to be built fast – as in, by November – and so the Afghan firm got a no-bid contract of unspecified value. That’s just for starters. After that facility goes up, the Army will hold an open competition for an even larger detention cente…

Locked and Loaded: Pentagon Contractor Helped Write Its Own Armored-Truck Deal

That’s one of the conclusions from a Pentagon inspector general’s report into a contract to provide logistics and maintenance work on Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles (MRAPs) worth nearly half a billion dollars. The line between contractor and government vendor became so porous that officials “increased the risk for potential waste or abuse on the contract,” the inspector general wrote. Getting the resilient MRAPs into Iraq and Afghanistan was a top priority for former Defense Secretary Rober…

Cost of mental health programs for soldiers is high with poor care

A four-year-old Pentagon effort to improve psychological health services across the military is spending tens of millions without providing a clear picture of how the money is used, according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office. The report reflects the Pentagon’s rush to expand research on post-traumatic stress through the Defense Centers of Excellence, which spent $21.9 million last year. It is the second report this year to criticize the Defense Centers of Excellence; both were…

House approves $649 billion defense bill

The House overwhelmingly passed a $649 billion defense spending bill yesterday that boosts the Pentagon budget by $17 billion and covers the costs of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The strong bipartisan vote was 336 to 87 and reflected lawmakers’ intent to ensure national security, preserve defense jobs across the nation, and avoid deep cuts while the country is at war. While House Republican leaders slashed billions from all other government agencies, the Defense Department is the only one that will…

Private Security Industry Booming, Says Small Arms Survey

A booming private security industry – triggered mostly by terrorist threats, domestic insurgencies and drug wars – deploys some 20 million armed personnel worldwide: twice the number of police officers. In some countries, the survey points out, the 20 million figure represents a doubling or even a tripling of the number of private security workers. Some of these companies have been accused of advising the CIA on torture, and also trained police forces in torture techniques in at least one Latin Ameri…

House Democrats challenge Obama’s Afghan withdrawal plan

Democratic lawmakers fed up with the lingering war in Afghanistan launched a new challenge to Obama’s plan for a measured troop withdrawal over the next year as they resumed debate on a defense spending bill. Members of the House proposed a series of amendments to the 2012 fiscal year defense appropriations bill aimed at forcing a speedier troop withdrawal, including by cutting funding for combat operations. “The whole premise of this war is wrong. Fighting in Afghanistan does not enhance the security…

Eisenhower’s worst fears came true. We invent enemies to buy the bombs

The outgoing US defence secretary, Robert Gates, berated Europe’s “failure of political will” in not maintaining defence spending. He said Nato had declined into a “two-tier alliance” between those willing to wage war and those “who specialise in ‘soft’ humanitarian, development, peacekeeping and talking tasks”. Peace, he implied, is for wimps. Real men buy bombs, and drop them. This call was echoed by Nato’s chief, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who pointed out how unfair it was that US defence investment r…

The Business of America Is War – Annual Military Speeding Likely Exceeds $1.5 Trillion

It’s more accurate to take the Pentagon’s basic budget and double it because as much as 40% of it is hidden. For FY 2012, the House approved $690.1 billion, an 8.4% increase. If the entire [previous budget of] $1,027.5 trillion increases by the same amount, it raises known FY 2012 defense-related spending to $1,114 trillion. With supplemental and hidden add-ons, as well as Pentagon, intelligence, and other amounts, the grand total likely exceeds $1.5 trillion, a figure rising most years while popular …

‘War on terror’ set to surpass cost of Second World War

The wars that flowed from 9/11 will not only have been the longest in US history. At $4 trillion and counting, their combined cost is approaching that of the Second World War, put at some $4.1 trillion in today’s prices by the Congressional Budget Office. Unlike most of America’s previous conflicts moreover, Iraq and Afghanistan have been financed almost entirely by borrowed money that sooner or later must be repaid. What America achieved by such outlays is also more than questionable. Two brutal regi…

U.S. cost of war at least $3.7 trillion and counting | Reuters

When President Obama cited cost as a reason to bring troops home from Afghanistan, he referred to a $1 trillion price tag for America’s wars. Staggering as it is, that figure grossly underestimates the total cost of wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan to the U.S. Treasury and ignores more imposing costs yet to come, according to a study released. The final bill will run at least $3.7 trillion and could reach as high as $4.4 trillion, according to the research project “Costs of War” by Brown Univers…

Air Conditioning Afghanistan Troops Costs $20 Billion Per Year; Cost of One Soldier is $1 Million a Year

If people realized how much we were wasting in stupid wars that should never have been fought, there might be far more protests. Please consider the amount the U.S. military spends annually on air conditioning in Iraq and Afghanistan: $20.2 billion, according to a former Pentagon official. That’s more than NASA’s budget. It’s more than BP has paid so far for damage during the Gulf oil spill. It’s what the G-8 has pledged to help foster new democracies in Egypt and Tunisia. “When you consider the cost …

Welfare for Dictators: Pentagon Billions Are Flowing to Middle East Dictators

An investigation of Pentagon contracting practices in Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, and Bahrain has uncovered more than $14 billion paid mostly in sole-source contracts to companies controlled by ruling families across the Persian Gulf. The revelation raises a fundamental question: are US taxpayer dollars enriching the ruling potentates of regimes just as the youthful protesters and the Arab Spring have brought a new push for democracy across the region? Take a look at Abu Dhabi. The wealthiest of the United Ara…

Private Contractors Making a Killing off the Drug War

As tens of thousands of corpses continue to pile up as a result of the US-led “War on Drugs” in Latin America, private contractors are benefiting from lucrative federal counter-narcotics contracts amounting to billions of dollars, without worry of oversight or accountability. US contractors in Latin America are paid by the Defense and State Departments to supply countries with services that include intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, training, and equipment. “It’s becoming increasingly clear…

US Plans to Send $45M in Military Aid to Uganda and Burundi in Effort to Combat Somali Militants

In news from Africa, the Pentagon is planning to send nearly $45 million in military equipment, including four small drones, to Uganda and Burundi as part of the U.S. effort to battle Islamic militants in Somalia. The military package includes four small, shoulder-launched Raven drones, body armor, night-vision gear, communications and heavy construction equipment, generators and surveillance systems. The U.S. military is also sending aid to a number of other African nations including Mauritania, Djib…

The $113 Billion Hole: Ten Things America Gave Up This Year To Pay For The War In Afghanistan

– Provide 57.5 Million Children With Low-Income Health Care For 2011 – Provide 23 Million People With Low-Income Health Coverage In 2011 – Give 20.2 Million $5,500 Pell Grants To Students In 2011 – Provide 14.35 million Military Veterans With VA Medical Care In 2011 – Give 14.7 million Children Head Start Funding In 2011 – Give 14.26 Million Scholarships To University Students In 2011 – Employ 1.93 million Firefighters In 2011 – Hire 1.75 Million Elementary School Teachers In 2011 – Hire 1.65 …

Meet Bush’s War Profiteering Chief Bin Laden Hunter

You’ve probably never heard of Marty Martin. He spent most of his life as an anonymous CIA operative. But he very recently came out of the closet as the man Bush put in charge of finding Osama bin Laden, and guess what? It turns out the man is an extremely shady and corrupt war profiteer. Martin, of course, never succeeded in catching bin Laden. In 2007, Martin joined International Oil Trading Company. In 2008, congressional investigators accused it of ripping off the Pentagon to the tune of hundreds …

Stanley McChrystal: Lobby Shop Working With Former General

As they say in Washington, old soldiers never die — they just fade into cushy, off-the-books sinecures on K Street. Stanley McChrystal, fired last summer after a damning Rolling Stone article, has added a lobbying component to his consulting shop, The McChrystal Group, proving again that for elite Washington, failure is not an option. McChrystal is not himself a registered lobbyist and the firm doesn’t appear in the federal database. By not registering to lobby, McChystal is not required to disclose…

Amped Status

Queen Lizzy Poster Child For Rothschild Global  Banking Scheme
Queen Lizzy Poster Child For Rothschild Global Banking Scheme


  1. Barney Frank Causing Days Of Rage: States FORCED To Cut Back Because Frank SITTING On Glass Steagall Act!
  2. Celebrate Black History Month: Obama Cuts $100 Billion For Low Income Students ~ Feeling Bullied, Intimidated, Threatened, Cajoled, Browbeaten, Buffaloed, Hornswaggled, Seduced, Tricked, Duped, Bamboozled, Bribed, Blackmailed, Coerced Or Bought Off Yet?
  3. Financial Crisis
  4. German People Awaken To The EU Scam: Remember When Italy Awoke? The Police Became The People!



Paul Revere
Paul Revere

Paul Revere





“Ever since Germany became the politically and economically strongest Continental power, did England feel threatened from Germany more than from any other land in its global economic position and its naval supremacy.”

1914 (August) WORLD WAR 1


1. The ‘Globalist Bankers’ engineer the U.S. Federal Reserve System ready just months before WW1.

2. US Federal Reserve Bank founded – Woodrow Wilson signs the Federal Reserve Act on December 23, 1913.


1. The Federal Reserve System is engineered by the ‘Globalist Bankers’ for empowering the US market system as a private conduit of global wealth transfer.




1915 (January)

1. JPM becomes Britain’s sole purchasing agent for all war supplies from the US.

2. JPM becomes exclusive financial agent for all British war lending from private U.S. banks.

3. Britain becomes the guarantor for all such war purchases and loans by the Allied powers.

4. The giant credit pyramid was set.




A. Purchase of all American weapons and materials, and food supplies for Britain/Allied powers in Europe, was through JPM.


A. London JPM affiliates Morgan Grenfell & Co. and Morgan Harjes & Co. complete the circle.

(Such power in the hands of a single investment house was without precedent.)


1. JPM as sole purchasing agent for the Allied powers, became controller of the U.S. industrial and agricultural export economy.

2. The power of International Corporatism was founded.

(The Weapons, Technology, Oil, Mining, Chemical, Agricultural and Transportation international corporate giants were founded.)


1. By 1917, the British War Office had placed purchase orders totaling more than $20,000,000,000 through JPM.


1. $1,250,000,000 is raised through the private efforts of JPM and the other US investment houses.

(JPM’s relation to the financial powers of the Federal Reserve Bank, under the control of former JPM banker Benjamin Strong guarantees success of this private financial mobilization.)


November 2, 1917 Russian war effort was collapsing.

“Britain’s foreign secretary Arthur Balfour contacts Walter Lord Rothschild, representative of the English Federation of Zionists:

Dear Lord Rothschild…on behalf of His Majesty’s Government…the…declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations…His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people…”


1. The English Federation of Zionists was a private federation with great private financial resources within it’s power.

2. Both Balfour and Lord Rothschild were proponents of a global empire based on more sophisticated methods of social control.

3. The letter outlined the post-1919 British League of Nations mandate over Palestine.


The geographical location for the new British-sponsored Jewish homeland lay in a strategic area along the main artery of the enlarged post-1914 British Empire.


1. In January 1917 America enters World War 1.


1. German General Erich Ludendorff provided the basis for leveraging the US into WW1.

2. In February 1917, Germany declared unrestricted submarine warfare.

3. The sinking of American tankers was the excuse needed for the Morgan-controlled press to demand an end to American neutrality.


1917 (April 2)

1. United States declares war against Germany

2. The New York financial community and the New York Federal Reserve deploy the most ambitious financial operation in history.


1. The Federal Reserve mobilizes Liberty Loans and bonds sales in a great ‘patriotic’ surge.

2. These Loans and bonds had reach $21,478,000,000 by June 30, 1919.

(Never before in history had such sums been mobilized in so short a time.)
Mike Microhistory 6:17 am
1918 – (November) World War 1 Ends


1919 (May 30) – RIIA

1. The Royal Institute for International Affairs formed. (CFR US counterpart*)

2. Jewish-dominated Palestine, subservient to England for its military power but guided by Rothschild financial power, in the heart of Arab oil states forms a multi-objective relationship which is still present today.


1. National debts of the world increased by $210,000,000,000 by the wars aftermath.

2. Government bond types and the investor pool multiplied greatly.

3. Global investment markets expand especially in the United States.


1. JPM’s group at the Versailles Treaty sessions denominated the WW1 losers debt by a special Commission for Reparations.

2. This was permanently established in order to control Germany to repay its war damages to the Anglo-American interest.3. The League of Nations was a debt enforcement forum.

(Keep this in mind, it eventually leads to Nazi Germany)


1. JPM shifts private British government loans to the general debt of the U.S. Treasury as the United States entered the war.

2. British debts are now the burden of the American taxpayers after the war.

3. As the U.S. public war debt grows JPM leverages the US government as a pawn for the extension of ‘Globalist Banker’ power.

1921 – CFR*

1. Council on Foreign Relations Founded.


1. Britain and the other Allied powers owed the United States $12,500,000,000 at 5 per cent interest.

2. Britain, France, and the other Entente countries were owed by Germany the sum of $33,000,000,000.


1. Devastated European economy, empowers JPM to dictate finance terms.

2. New European lending gains were far greater than gains from investment in the postwar US economic expansion.


The German reparations, Allied, and British debt to the United States overwhelmed world finance from 1919 to the October 1929 Wall Street crash.

(The entire international finance system was now based on war-debt cycles.)


The engineered international monetary order imposed after Versailles by ‘Globalist Bankers’ enabled the 1929 crash of Wall Street.



1. The formula of top-down pyramid control was firmly established through global bank finance applied through corporate mega-profits through the control of governments by a systematic central banking network orchestrating the central international markets based on massive war.

2. Central Europe’s financial plumbing was now being installed by this same design, by the same engineers, at a larger scale.


1. From Poland to Romania during the 1920s, the same combination of powerful persons and the New York Federal Reserve – organized effective economic control over most countries of Continental Europe, under the pretext of the establishment of ‘creditworthy’ national policies.

2. Economic collapse leading to World War 2 is foreseeable as a second round of this war profit engine.

3. The rest is history, and still present today at far grander scale and objective: The world.

(Economic collapse leading to World War 3 is foreseeable as a third round of this war profit engine.)


The point of this post?

That the blood-money foundation of America was set in a multi-billion dollar war for profit exercise in 1914WW1, which cannot be reversed, and it set a foundation of enslavement by:

1. Setting a primary monopoly where the finance power and intelligence system:

A. Engineers the corporate handlers of the government actually formulating the power of rulership from it’s own agenda, not the governments or the people.

B. Engineers the corporate globalist foundation in trillion dollar industries ruling weapons, technology, fuel resources, human resources, natural resources, and everything else under that pyramid.

C. Designs the very make-up and agenda of Government.

D. Designs and controls the market system and bank hierarchy towards a globalist hub above the nation-state, unmonitored, through layers of secrecy and private organizations like the Federal reserve.

That was all forged into one corporate shell, controlling one puppet government, by one central bank.

That is what uses perpetual war as it’s foundation, to serve it’s blood needs to Satan, for power, position and profit, with the Armageddon end goal in the last of three cycles plainly evident in the first cycle, outlined in part in this thread.

It’s objective is the world.
Despite the red Japanese flag with a black swastika in the background, this Japanese fellow gives a fairly accurate account of how the Federal Reserve (FSB) private banking system was set-up.

Blissful Wisdom

Watchmen Resistance Focus Groups

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Focus on specific issues, research and vet information, providing credible sources, brainstorming for taking action, plan and strategize, assist in disseminating information or strategy to the masses to educate and mobilize.

Group Coordinator:

Will identify and set up key researchers, add their names to the page, locate information, check for credible sources, manage content, comments, and group activity. Set up brainstorming sessions/discussions, guide strategy, planning, and implementation of actions to take. Send messages to group members alerting to important information added or action needed. Provide updates to the masses for education and mobilization.

Communicate with National Coordinator, Darla D. Key Researcher: Search the net, books, and history of topic, associations, etc…, locate credible information, resources, and sources.

Make phone calls to vet info, make contacts, read through a lot of information and tie associations together where applicable, investigate, follow thru on issues, brainstorm for strategy, action and educating the masses. Communicate with the Group Coordinator and members who drop off information and search the information to vet it and provide valid sources.

Last updated by Asst Natl Dir Mellie Sep 28, 2010

State militias have defended the United States since the Revolutionary War. At present, 23 states and territories have SDFs, and their estimated force strength totaled 14,000 members as of 2005.[21]

Authorized under federal statute Title 32 of the U.S. Code, SDFs are entirely under state control—unlike the National Guard— both in peace and otherwise.[22] Hence, while the National Guard is a dual-apportioned force that can be called to federal service under Title 10 or remain a state force under Title 32, State Defense Forces serve solely as Title 32 forces.

This status gives SDFs two important advantages. First, SDFs are continually stationed within their respective states and can be called up quickly and easily in times of need. Such a capability is particularly important when catastrophic disasters overwhelm local first responders and federal forces can take up to 72 hours to respond.[23]

Second, SDFs are exempt from the restrictions of the Posse Comitatus Act, which prohibits federal military forces from engaging in domestic law enforcement activities within the United States.[24]

While the Posse Comitatus Act has never proven a major obstacle to deploying federal forces for domestic emergency response, SDFs permit a state military response uninhibited by legal obstacles.[25] Each SDF is under the control of its respective governor through the state’s military department.[26] The Adjutant General, the state’s senior military commander and a member of the governor’s cabinet, commands the SDF on behalf of the governor.

As SDF commander, TAG is responsible for all training, equipment allocation, and decisions regarding the SDF’s strength, activity, and mission. The Adjutant General is also the commander of the state’s National Guard units and often directs state emergency response.[27] Through TAGs, SDFs can easily coordinate with other key components of the state emergency response.

Despite its recognition in federal statute, creation of a State Defense Force remains at the discretion of each state governor, and 28 states have chosen not to create such forces. Creation of SDFs has met resistance from TAGs and the National Guard Bureau due to concerns over turf, costs, and even arming SDF members.[28] However, such objections make little sense given that SDFs are entirely volunteer organizations and offer the states a vital, low-cost force multiplier.

Members are not paid for training, only some states compensate them for active duty, and SDFs generally have little equipment.[29] For example, in 2002 alone, the Georgia State Guard reportedly saved the state of Georgia $1.5 million by providing 1,797 days of operational service to the state.[30]

In all, the state-apportioned status, organizational structure, and low-cost burden of SDFs make them a vital and practical resource for the states.


On September 17, 1787 George Washington was the first to sign and accept the Constitution even though it had no Bill of Rights. It was Patrick Henry with his great speeches and lectures who in 1788 forced an agreement which promised that continued ratifications of the document depended upon a Bill of Rights to be forthcoming.

In 1789 Washington took office and was faced with the arduous task of pioneering the first presidency including the structuring of the militia system. By January 1790 the influence Patrick Henry had over him became quite apparent.

When Washington chaired the 1787 Constitutional Convention, provisions had been made for the defense of the country against invasion and for stifling rebellions, but there was an insufficiency of safeguards to be applied against tyranny brought on by public officials.

By 1790 Washington began work on his “Plan No. 2 for the Organization of the Militia.” By now he was more able to see the weaknesses in the Constitution. He openly discussed the threat of tyranny emanating from within the government.

By then, Patrick Henry’s wisdom was spread throughout the 13 original states, and it was inculcated as the basis for the policies and functions of the militia. Henry perpetuated the people’s liberty. He sustained the ultimate authority of the people.

Washington well understood the need to safeguard the nation from its foreign enemies. In his “Plan No. 2 for the Organization of the Militia” he undertook to warn about the dangers of domestic enemies: tyranny in government.

Washington himself took the farmers out for practice, and he utilized the knowledge and experiences of his generals and other valuable officers in the War for Independence by having them instruct and train the citizens (the whole people) in the techniques of soldiering, and the maintenance of an ‘energetic national militia’.

His “Plan No. 2 for the Organization of the Militia” was communicated to the Senate, on the 21st of January 1790. This lengthy Plan was permeated with the proposition that it is the direct duty and responsibility of the people themselves to guard against tyranny from within government. Washington declared that the purpose of the militia was “to oppose the introduction of tyranny.” He had come a long way from the days when he accepted the Constitution without a Bill of Rights.

To view Washington’s statement in the context in which it was delivered, please look over the following excerpt taken from Pages 7-8 of an old document published by Gales and Seaton in 1832 entitled “American State Papers – Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States, from the First Session of the First to the Second Session of the Fifteenth Congress, inclusive: commencing March 3, 1789, and ending March 3, 1819”.

This excerpt is a part of Wash- ington’s lengthy Plan No. 2 of 1790. While he also made re- ference to the prevention of invasion and rebellion, Washing- ton said that “the well informed members of the community (the people) were meant to be the real defence of the country”; and “the virtues and knowledge of the people would effectually oppose the introduction of tyranny.”

He warned that “the government would be invaded or overturned, and trampled upon by the bold and ambitious” — meaning people in our own country who operated without adherence to vital principles. The absoluteness of the right of the people to keep and bear arms is a basic principle. Unless the right to arms is absolute, the people cannot remain the ultimate power.

The Bill of Rights confirmed that we possess many other rights beside the absolute right to arms. All of the other rights for the preservation of their own existence, depend entirely upon the absoluteness, the force, and the reasoning that have shaped the Second Amend- ment.

Washington agreed with Patrick Henry on the purpose of the militia: It was to “oppose the introduction of tyranny.” Make no mistake about it: The prime reason for the Second Amend- ment is prevention of tyranny in government.


“An energetic national militia is to be regarded as the capital security of a free republic, and not a standing army, forming a distinct class in the community.

It is the introduction and diffusion of vice, and corruption of manners, into the mass of the people, that renders a standing army necessary. It is when public spirit is despised, and avarice, indolence, and effeminacy of manners predominate, and prevent the establishment of institutions which would elevate the minds of the youth in the paths of virtue and honor, that a standing army is formed and riveted forever.

While the human character remains unchanged, and societies and governments of considerable extent are formed, a principle ever ready to execute the laws, and defend the state, must constantly exist. Without this vital principle, the government would be invaded or overturned, and trampled upon by the bold and ambitious.

No community can be long held together, unless its arrangements are adequate to its probable exigencies.

If it should be decided to reject a standing army for the military branch of the government of the United States, as possessing too fierce an aspect, and being hostile to the principles of liberty, it will follow that a well constituted militia ought to be established.

A consideration of the subject will show the impracticability of disciplining at once the mass of the people. All discussions on the subject of a powerful militia will result in one or other of the following principles: First, Either efficient institutions must be established for the military education of the youth, and that the knowledge acquired therein shall be diffused throughout the community, by the mean of rotation; or, Secondly, That the militia must be formed of substitutes, after the manner of the militia of Great Britain.

If the United States possess the vigor of mind to establish the first institution, it may reasonably be expected to produce the most unequivocal advantages.

A glorious national spirit will be introduced, with its extensive train of political consequences. The youth will imbibe a love of their country; reverence and obedience to its laws; courage and elevation of mind; openness and liberality of character; accompanied by a just spirit of honor: in addition to which their bodies will acquire a robustness, greatly conducive to their personal happiness, as well as the defence of their country; while habit, with its silent but efficacious operations, will durably cement the system.

Habit, that powerful and universal law, incessantly acting on the human race, well deserves the attention of legislators—formed at first in individuals, by separate and almost imperceptible impulses, until at length it acquires a force which controls with irresistible sway.

The effects of salutary or pernicious habits, operating on a whole nation, are immense, and decide its rank and character in the world. -2-Hence the science of legislation teaches to scrutinize every national institution, as it may introduce proper or improper habits; to adopt with religious zeal the former, and reject with horror the latter.

A republic, constructed on the principles herein stated, would be uninjured by events, sufficient to overturn a government supported solely by the uncertain power of a standing army.

The well informed members of the community, actuated by the highest motives of self-love, would form the real defence of the country. Rebellions would be prevented or suppressed with ease; invasions of such a government would be undertaken only by mad men; and the virtues and knowledge of the people would effectually oppose the introduction of tyranny.

But the second principle, a militia of substitutes, is pregnant, in a degree, with the mischiefs of a standing army; as it is highly probable the substitutes from time to time will be nearly the same men, and the most idle and worthless part of the community.

Wealthy families, proud of distinctions which riches may confer, will prevent their sons from serving in the militia of substitutes; the plan will degenerate into habitual contempt; a standing army will be introduced, and the liberties of the people subjected to all the contingencies of events. The expense attending an energetic establishment of militia may be strongly urged as an objection to the institution.

But it is to be remembered, that this objection is leveled at both systems, whether by rotation or by substitutes: for, if the numbers are equal, the expense will also be equal. The estimate of the expense will show its unimportance, when compared with the magnitude and beneficial effects of the institution.

But the people of the United States will cheerfully consent to the expenses of a measure calculated to serve as a perpetual barrier to their liberties; especially as they well know that the disbursements will be made among the members of the same community, and therefore cannot be injurious.

Every intelligent mind would rejoice in the establishment of an institution, under whose auspices the youth and vigor of the constitution would be renewed with each successive generation, and which would appear to secure the great principles of freedom and happiness against the injuries of time and events.

The following plan is formed on these general principles: First, That it is the indispensable duty of every nation to establish all necessary institutions for its own perfection and defence. Secondly, That it is a capital security to a free state, for the great body of the people to possess a competent knowledge of the military art.

Thirdly, That this knowledge cannot be attained, in the present state of society, but by establishing adequate institutions for the military education of youth; and that the knowledge acquired therein should be diffused throughout the community by the principles of rotation.

Fourthly, That every man of the proper age, and ability of body, is firmly bound, by the social compact, to perform, personally, his proportion of military duty for the defence of the state.

Fifthly, That all men, of the legal military age, should be armed, enrolled, and held responsible for different degrees of military service.

And Sixthly, That agreeably to the constitution, the United States are to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia, and for governing such a part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States; reserving to the States, respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia, according to the discipline prescribed by Congress.”

End of excerpt from the 1790 Plan for Organization of the Militia


George Washington is listed as No. 1 in the Hall of Fame. In addition to his many other remarkable achievements, his Farewell Address also has gone down in history as one of the greatest writings of all time.

In it he warned against engaging in foreign influence and entanglements, weakening the fabric of the constitutional government, loss of respect for national morality and religious principles, growth of party spirit, and against the devastation brought on by pretended patriotism.

It was a disgraceful effort which caused February 22nd, Washington’s birthday, to be renamed as President’s Day, thus reducing the respect due to a man who had contributed so much of himself. In his Farewell Address he left us this immortal advice: “Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor and caprice?

It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world….” Yet, we allow our public officials to “police the world”.

Further still he said: “One method of assault may be to effect, in the forms of the Constitution, alterations which will impair the energy of the system, and thus to undermine what cannot be directly overthrown…..” Yet, we allow our public officials to effect grievous alterations in the operation of the Constitutional system, swear by the oath of office under pretended allegiance, and destroy our inherent right as the ultimate power in the republic by denying us the use of firearms.

Liberty Gun Rights

Diagramming! The Opening Sentence of the Declaration of Independence: Flow Chart


Roman Catholic William Wallace With Saint Andrew's Cross ~ Later Becoming The Rallying Confederate Flag For The Scottish/Irish Catholics.
Roman Catholic William Wallace With Saint Andrew’s Cross ~ Later Becoming The Rallying Confederate Flag For The Scottish/Irish Catholics.


Sir William Wallace was Braveheart and his ensign was the Cross of the crucified Apostle St. Andrew, later called the Southern Cross of the Confederate Battle Flag, for all the Scottish immigrants. 95% of all southern people had no slaves, were poor, and disproportionately taxed by the North.

Sir William Wallace a devout Catholic, is seen as another Saint Joan Of Arc, whom both fought the corrupt Monarchy and won their freedom. This was an actual precursor to the founding of The United States Of America. Roman Catholic Father White broke bread in Maryland (Named After The Mother Of God) in the 1600s.

The Monarchy is still seething about all the break aways and is going for broke. In their campaign of a New World Order, they are utilizing their secret societies aka; illuminati/bilderbergs etc., to manipulate and destroy Our Republic Judicial/Political system. One can easily understand why the Monarchy hates Roman Catholics and has been  smearing The Church as they did during the days of Hitler. Pray our Bravehearts step forward to protect Our Country from this dated tyranny!

William Wallace's Sword 1305 A.D.
William Wallace’s Sword 1305 A.D.


Canonization and Beatification


Qualifications for Recognition are : Giving up your life for another Human Being – Wallace gave up his life for an entire nation.

Living an Exemplary Life – Wallace looked after the poor, took food to the hungry, cared for widows and orphans, tended the sick and infirm. He was a regular attendant at public worship. Dying for One’s Faith – Wallace took an oath of fealty to King John Balliol and although Balliol was unworthy, Wallace’s faith had taught him that to take an oath was a sacred thing to be broken under pain of eternal damnation.

Wallace refused to break his sacred oath in favour of Edward 1 of England and was killed for his belief, ergo he died for his faith. Dying a Martyr’s Death in a state of Sanctity – Sir William Wallace was hanged,drawn and quartered having recieved the last rights of the church on the gallows.

According to the historic record of these events Wallace then read the Psalms from his personal Psalter held before him by an attending priest as he was brutally immolated and seen to be reading the psalms as his head was cut off. The odour of sanctity hangs heavily over Sir William Wallace in death. Miracles happening in the name of the Candidate for Martyrdom – Chroniclers of the day such as Hume of Godscroft, Reverend Andrew Wynton and John of Fordun all wrote of reports of miracles happening in Wallace’s name on the day of his death and in the immediate days, months and years following his martyrdom.

Populous Cultus – Few will deny that Sir William Wallace became “Populous Cultus” throughout Scotland and all over the world with Wallace Societies in many countries throughout the world. Wallace is still a cult figure today. William Sinclair, Bishop of Dunkeld from 1309 to 1336 – During his Bishopric, William Sinclair commissioned the Benedictine Monk and priest, personal confessor and life long friend of Sir William Wallace, John Arnold Blair to retire to Dunfermline Abbey to write down all he knew about Wallace, his life and times.

The purpose of this project was to prepare a case for the canonisation of Wallace to be presented to the Pope of the day. Unfortunately this period coincided with turmoil in the Papacy and the beginning of the so-called Babylonian Captivity in Avignon. Wallace’s case was sidelined, eventually caught up in the vagaries of our own turbulent history, his case was “laid aside”.

Now is the time to complete unfinished business and put right a wrong created by history.

10 Ways You’re Being Fleeced by Banks

by Activist Post

Taxpayers are rightfully angrier than ever before about the state of the U.S. economy and the government’s handling of the financial crisis; perhaps even more so than the Colonists at the original Tea Party. After all, it appears that the only group benefiting during this painful slide into recession are the very people who caused the crisis — The Banks.

On the verge of bankruptcy in 2008, the banks are now once again making record profits and paying record bonuses, while nearly every other industry struggles to keep their head above water. The banks seem to have designed the system where all businesses and individuals are dependent on them for credit, and without new lending industry grinds to a halt. Given that banks can make risk-free profits by front running the stock market and selling $600 trillion of worthless derivatives for monster gains, there seems to be little motivation for them to lend money at today’s record-low interest rates.

Average Americans continue to be looted by this bank-controlled economic system through taxation and other more subtle ways:

1. Bailouts/TARP — The major banks warned in 2008 that their massively over-leveraged Ponzi scheme was about to take down the world financial system, and demanded a taxpayer bailout or else the sky would fall. Well, they got their bailout which may be upwards of $23 trillion between direct cash infusions and accounting write-downs, which amounts to around $76,667 for every citizen. The Federal Reserve also secretly bailed out foreign economies to at least the tune of $500 billion.

2. Predatory Lending — The banks have long practiced predatory lending to Third World countries, private businesses, and individuals. This strategic over-lending creates a situation where banks anticipate and manufacture default to obtain real assets. Since banks lend money they don’t have by making accounting adjustments, private bankers and their cohorts could conceivably, over time, own everything “real” in the world from money they created out of thin air.

3. Credit Cards — From marketing to teenagers with “Happy Meal-style” gifts and toys at sign-up, to Mafia-style loansharking with usury interest rates, banks use credit cards to further enslave the public. According to the credit card repayment calculator, if you owe $6,000 on a credit card with a 20 percent interest rate and only pay the minimum payment each time, it will take you 54 years to pay off that credit card. During those 54 years you will pay $26,168 in interest rate charges in addition to the $6,000 in principal that you are required to pay back. (Source)

4. Stock Market — The Goldman Sachs-dominated scheme called “front running” is where brokers use computer programs with intricate algorithms to buy or sell nanoseconds before large orders from the public. Originally designed to prevent this activity, these programs have been hijacked to “Beat the Street.” It’s the ultimate in insider trading, likened to a poker player being able to see his opponent’s cards. Is it any wonder why four of the largest U.S. banks (Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, and Citigroup) had zero days of trading losses during the first quarter of 2010?

5. Pensions/401(k) — Although severely weakened by stock market manipulation and other fraudulent behavior, Pensions and 401(k) retirement savings plans still represent a large portion of the people’s remaining liquid wealth — and the banks want it. Nearly $4 trillion worth of retirement savings was wiped out in the first weeks of 2008, where half of the losses were traditional pension plans, while another 46 million people were riding the stock market with 401(k). It was estimated in 2009 that two-thirds of public sector pension plans were underfunded to the tune of $430 billion. Long term, these public pensions are reportedly underfunded by $3.5 trillion due to banks using the contributions to prop up toxic junk.

6. Social Security — Social Security represents a $40 trillion unfunded liability. It is estimated that taxes must be raised substantially and benefits must be slashed to cover this gap. Through no fault of Social Security contributors and recipients, the government has completely mismanaged the program while other debts eat up any chance of actually making good on the entitlements promised to the working public. According to their “austerity” playbook, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) recommends that the U.S. squeeze Social Security to cover their ever-growing debts to banks.

7. Inflation — The Federal Reserve’s shadowy printing presses have created an estimated $23.7 trillion in credits, grants, loans and guarantees, and that is just the paper backed by taxpayers. The fractional reserve banking system is one where banks can create loans (money) based on a fraction of their reserves, which inherently weakens the strength of the dollar. Inflation ends up being a hidden tax on those who worked hard, played by the rules, and saved their pennies. You have been paying for this hidden tax ever since the Federal Reserve was created in 1913, coincidentally the same year the income tax was passed. To make matters worse, many experts now predict that America is headed toward hyperinflation. For an in-depth education on how money creation creates a tax on every dollar printed please watch The Money Masters and Money as Debt.

8. Commodity Prices — Banks use the commodity casino to manipulate food prices as another way to line their pockets and starve the public. There is a direct correlation between food costs and oil prices, so when they drive up oil on speculation, food tends to follow suit. During oil’s record run up to $147 per barrel in 2008, the price of rice tripled in six months. Between the ominous signs of food shortages and predictions of $200/bbl oil in the near future, you can expect to pay much more of your hard-earned crippled dollars to eat. Obviously, inflation — especially hyperinflation — also causes commodity prices to spike, since they trade in U.S. dollars.

9. Debt and Deficits — Banks make it easy for politicians to love credit as much as everyone else, only their shiny new toys are things like pork projects for their states, wars, and mandated private healthcare. You can almost see the commercial: “You can have all this today, get re-elected tomorrow, and in a decade your successor can figure out how to pay for it.” Recent reports show continued record deficits, while total debt and unfunded liabilities are figured to be $138 trillion — around ten times annual GDP. Furthermore, the U.S. national debt has already surpassed the IMF default threshold of 90% GDP which will trigger austerity measures on the American public.

10. Wars — When the original reasons for wars don’t pan out, and the secondary reasons don’t add up, you can bet the real reason in the first place was money. Indeed, wars are the biggest moneymakers for the banks and the fastest way for them to imprison countries with debt. Wars have historically been manipulated by the banks funding both sides, much like they fund both political parties. In fact, some historians suggest that the American Civil War was actually a battle between Lincoln’s Greenback vs. the “oligarchy of high finance.” Ultimately, Lincoln was killed along with his Greenback and the private banking cartel ruled America once more.

All of this is leading to a loss of financial independence — The masters of manipulation — the money changers — have rigged the system from every angle and continue to loot all of us. We would be wise to learn about the history of money and banking in our economy, which is a compendium of booms and busts orchestrated by private banks. Wars, fiat currencies that lead to inflation, and obscure financial instruments are their tools of the trade to consolidate wealth at the top, while the foundation of the pyramid scheme — the hardworking taxpayers — are fleeced again and again.

Article kindly supplied by Activist Post. You can find the original article here.

Second Amendment