Justice Is Coming: Frontline Defenders Of The Second Amendment ~ Gun Rights!


The Second Amendment’s First Line of Defense

Last month, the National Association for Gun Rights launched its new Frontline Defender monthly membership program to combat the growing list of threats coming from the Obama Administration.

The goal of this new program is to ensure Second Amendment supporters nationwide are ready and prepared for new gun control assaults.

President Obama is trying to lull gun owners to sleep,” said Dudley Brown, “with the goal of ramming gun control into law without giving us time to mobilize.”

“That’s why Frontline Defenders are so important.  The folks who sign up for this crucial program – even if it’s with a contribution of as little as $10 or $25 per month – are making sure Second Amendment supporters are ready for whatever the gun-grabbers throw at us.”

People who sign up as a Frontline Defender with a convenient and automatically deducted monthly contribution allow the National Association for Gun Rights to launch split-second national email, mail, and phone mobilization programs in addition to hard-hitting newspaper, radio, and TV ads when necessary.

“Frontline Defenders are truly the backbone of the National Association for Gun Rights,” said Dudley Brown.

Those people who sign up as Frontline Defenders with a $10 monthly contribution receive a hat, a decal, and the From the Frontlines quarterly newsletter.

The From the Frontlines newsletter is designed to make sure Frontline Defenders stay up-to-date on key races for Congress, the White House, and even Governor’s contests across the nation.

For a $25 monthly contribution, new members receive the hat, the decal, the newsletter, a Frontline Defender golf shirt, and a membership card with a direct line into NAGR headquarters they can use to ask questions about bills, key races, or even alert NAGR to national legislative threats.

At the $50 per month level, in addition to the above gifts, new members receive a high-quality fleece Frontline Defender jacket.

Finally,  in addition to enjoying all the benefits of becoming a National Association for Gun Rights Life Member, $100-per-month Frontline Defenders receive all the previously-mentioned gifts, plus their very own Frontline Defender plaque.

The convenience of the Frontline Defender program allows any gun rights activist to have the peace of mind that they are involved in the fight – on the frontlines – every month.

Despite President Obama’s war on our gun rights, Dudley Brown is confident that Frontline Defenders will be the key to stopping any new gun control assault saying.

“Politics is always changing,” said Mr. Brown.

“And if we want to make certain our gun rights are passed down to the next generation, then it’s absolutely vital as many folks as possible sign up as Frontline Defenders.”

If you would like to become a Frontline Defender right now, you can visit frontline.nationalgunrights.org or call 1-877-803-3111.  You can also visit nationalgunrights.org and click on the Frontline Defender banner on the main page.

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