Remembering ~ Newsweek Covers Up McCain’s Rothschild Mob Ties


John McCain is a vile, wicked, deceitful man, a warmonger and a sexual deviant. Make no mistake about it. If this man wins the presidency, America is finished as a nation. Forever.

In a 60-minute investigative report (available on Audiotape or CD) I detail the awful truth about this inept, savage-hearted, lying travesty of a politician, and I document what I say with irrefutable evidence.

Urgent Action Free Fax: Tell Your Senators That $6.3 Trillion Is Too High A Price To Pay For The Gang Of Eight’s Amnesty!


Dumb Beast Led Around by Homosexual Lieberman

In March of this year, John McCain traveled to Israel where he shamelessly pandered to Prime Minister Olmert, the Likudnik extremist Benjamin Netanyahu, and other Zionist Masonic overlords and groveled at their feet. McCain also had a stopover in neighboring, war-torn Iraq, where he was led around like a dumb beast by his Mossad and ADL stooge handler, Jewish bigot, and closet homosexual, Senator Joe Lieberman. Texe Marrs

mccain lieberman rothschild

McCain then flew from the Middle East to London where, on March 20th, two Rothschild Illuminati, the super-wealthy Lord Jacob Rothschild and Nathaniel Rothschild, held an “invitation-only” private luncheon for him at the luxurious Spencer House, St. James Place. No doubt, McCain kissed “Lord” Rothschild’s ring, if not his big right toe and pledged that, if the powerful Zionist poobah would only make him President of the United States. Israel’s enemies, Iran and Syria, would end up nuclear toast.

“John McCain is Bought by Jews

As Nathanael Kapner, a knowledgeable Jew who—thank God!—is also a Jesus believing Christian, writes in his website (, “John McCain knows which side his bread is buttered on. And that’s the Jewish side of campaign contributions.”

Brother Kapner noted that McCain was at the private Rothschild fund-raiser in the posh London Spencer house. Kapner’s sage conclusion: “John McCain is bought by Jews via the Rothschilds!”

Kapner also reported that McCain recently was forced to apologize to the Jews for having the audacity to say in a speech he had given that, “America is a nation founded on Christian values.” Immediately, the Jewish organizations sprang into action, prompting the frightened McCain to trot out before the news cameras and retract what he had said.


McCain Betrayed Our POWs

McCain’s innumerable deceptions and treachery extend back many years—virtually his whole life is one, big fabrication. Sure, he was a POW, but after he returned from Vietnam, McCain is the dirty rat who sold out the remaining POWs in captivity. He and his liberal pinko buddy, Senator “Swift Boat” John Kerry, even engineered “Favored Trading Status” for their erstwhile Communist friends back in Hanoi. Jane Fonda, Move over!—You’ve got company.

McCain’s father, Naval Admiral John McCain, was an even greater fraud. He’s the guy whose cowardice, lies and incompetence as Commanding Officer of Pacific Forces doomed thousand of American troops to misery and death during the tragic Vietnam War. The senior McCain also just happens to be the sorry traitor who stood by and let Israeli bomber aircraft decimate the U.S. Liberty Ship in 1967, killing and wounding so many of our sailors.


Nuking Iran is McCain’s Promise

John McCain and his insane, bloodlust, Zionist whack-job colleague, Pastor John Hagee, promise to use nuclear bombs to destroy Iran. That would mean thousands more U.S. fighting men and women going to their graves and tens of thousands more coming home minus legs, arms, and limbs. It would entail the entire world viewing America as a heartless, savage beast nation. John McCain is a monster, period. In a word, this man is a dangerous, soul-less psychopath.

U.S. Bon Jovi and Iran’s Andy Madadian: “US Citizens Stand By Iranian People”

Here is a man who only got into the Military Academy because his grandfather and father before him were military brass and pulled strings. Predictably, McCain finished almost dead last in his graduating class. He never accomplished one positive thing as a Naval aviator. He did, however, manage to execute a miserably incompetent, faulty landing that killed a number of carrier personnel and, later, he was shot down over North Vietnam. Not exactly a picture of success.

  1. The Big Dogs On Wall Street Are Starting To Get Very Nervous: Coming To America? China & Iran to Execute Bankers On Fraud Charges!
  2. Vladimir Putin Sends Heavy Russian Destroyer To Protect Iran’s Sovereign Banking System From Rothschild.
  3. Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Never Said, “Israel Must Be Wiped Off The Map”.
  4. U.S. Bon Jovi and Iran’s Andy Madadian: “US Citizens Stand By Iranian People”

John McCain has never done an honest days work in the private sector his entire life. He cheated on his first wife with the much younger Cindy Hensley, then abruptly divorced his wife and married the pretty Cindy within a few weeks. Now come reliable news reports about McCain messing around having an affair with a young Washington D.C. blonde lobbyist, Vicki Eisman. A real “Family Values” character wouldn’t you say? McCain is so vile that other Senators have labeled him “President McNasty!”

McCain has threatened to reduce Social Security benefits, and he consistently voted as a Senator for higher taxes. His World War III insanity will bankrupt America and force this nation into a North American Union slave state. But then, why should John McCain care about you, me, and other middle class Americans? This heel married into the Hensley fortune—Cindy’s rich dad owned a beer distributorship and reportedly got his fortune via his unsavory ties to the Jewish Mafia.

aids homosexual

McCain: “I think gay marriages should be allowed”

John McCain is an unprincipled man who kisses up to the homosexuals, liberals, and

Jews, lies and pretends he’s a “conservative” to win high office. In a 2007 Massachusetts forum, the scoundrel stated, “I think gay marriages should be allowed.” Yet, on the campaign trail, he often states just the opposite.

I have no doubt that ignorant Christian evangelicals will act like the stupid lemmings they are and go straight over the cliff to support this filthy reprobate, McCain, for President. Like dumb dogs, they’ll pull the lever for him simply because he’s the Republican nominee. Today’s evangelical Christian has no principles and is neither evangelical nor Christian. As Pastor Chuck Baldwin so sagely stated in a recent internet column, “I will say it straight out: any Christian or conservative who supports John McCain has no principles left worth defending.”

Pastor Baldwin then went on to observe: “Christians have swallowed the Bush/McCain Kool-Aid as surely as did the followers of Jim Jones. They are drunk with denial and deception.”

Of course, the truth is, these Kool-Aid drinkers are not “Christians” at all. They are fakers, hoaxers masquerading as Christians while, in actuality, doing Satan’s bidding.

Founding Father Who DId Good & Bad Was An Ultimate Traitor To The U.S. Established The First  Central Bank With Rothschild. Hamilton Was Shot By Burr Both Served Under General Washington. Hamilton Was Married Into The Rothschild Family.
Founding Father Who Did Good & Bad Was An Ultimate Traitor To The U.S. By Establishing The First Central Bank With Rothschild Against U.S. Laws. General Hamilton Was Shot By Vice President Aaron Burr ~ Both Served Under General Washington. Hamilton Was Married Into The Rothschild Family.

“I have never known the prejudice in favor of birth, parentage and descent, more conspicuous than in the instance of Col. Burr. That gentleman was connected by blood with many respectable families in New England. . . .  He had served in the army, and came out of it with the character of a knight without fear, and an able officer.”                  – – – President John Adams


McCain is Every Patriotic American’s Nightmare

Liar, compromiser, warmonger, bloody arrogant hothead, and more—I explain in my investigative report exactly why all these derogatory adjectives apply to John McCain. Beware, people of America—Satan’s Illuminati-endorsed, straw-brained, would-be U.S. President, is at our door. He’s the Rothschilds’ stupid, inept, but pliant puppet-and he’s every patriotic American citizen’s nightmare.

Texe Marrs

Benedict McCain
Benedict McCain

Newsweek—one of the big three “news” magazines—has demonstrated beyond question that the American media is determined to cover up the organized crime origins of the fortune that set John McCain’s political career in motion and made him one of the richest men in Congress.

On June 30, Newsweek published a glowing cover story about McCain’s second (and current) wife, the former Cindy Hensley, featuring a glamorous cover photo of Mrs. McCain, followed by eight full pages of friendly reportage, including another glamour photo of the attractive woman draped across two pages. Mrs. McCain, so it seems, may be a candidate for sainthood.

Although Newsweek said Mrs. McCain’s family “is deeply rooted in Arizona,” and that her late father, Jim Hensley, “was one of the most prominent men in the state,” who was “a World War II bombardier . . . shot down over the English channel,”—in other words, a war hero just like McCain—Newsweek did not even hint of the racketeering and corruption (and murder) associated with Hensley and his patrons in his rise to power.

Newsweek said Hensley “borrowed $10,000 to start a liquor business” which became one of the largest Anheuser-Busch distributorships in the country and pointed out that the vast Hensley influence and fortune (worth $200 million) “got [McCain] access to money and connections” after he divorced his ailing first wife and married his then-mistress, Cindy Hensley, and settled in Arizona where he first ran for office in 1982. What Newsweek chose not to mention is what AFP previously reported:

McCain’s father-in-law got his start as the top henchman for Kemper Marley, who, for 40 years until his death in 1990, was the undisputed political boss of Arizona, acting as the behind-the-scenes power over both the Republican and Democratic parties. But Marley was more than a politician. He was the Meyer Lansky crime syndicate’s chief Arizona operative, front man for the Bronfman family—key players in the Lansky syndicate.

During Prohibition, the Canadian-based Bronfman family supplied and thus controlled the “spigot” of liquor funneled to local Lansky syndicate functionaries in the United States, including Al Capone in Chicago.

After Prohibition, Lansky-Bronfman associates such as Marley got control of a substantial portion of liquor (and beer) distribution across the country. In fact, Marley’s longtime public relations man, Al Lizanitz, revealed it was the Bronfman family that set Marley up in the alcohol business.

However, in 1948, 52 of Marley’s employees (including Jim Hensley, the manager of Marley’s company) were prosecuted for federal liquor violations. Hensley got a six-month suspended sentence and his brother Eugene went to prison for a year.

In 1953, Hensley and (this time) Marley were prosecuted by federal prosecutors for falsifying liquor records. But a young attorney,William Rehnquist, acted as their “mouthpiece” (as mob attorneys are known) and the two got off scot-free. Rehnquist later became chief justice of the Supreme Court and presided over the “fix” that made George W. Bush president in a rightly disputed election.

The story in Arizona is that Hensley took the fall for Marley in 1948 and Marley paid back Hensley by setting him up in his own beer distribution business. Today, Newsweek implies Hensley’s company was a “mom and pop” operation that became a big success, but the real story goes to the heart of the history of organized crime.

Hensley’s sponsor, Marley, was also a major player in gambling, a protégé of Lansky lieutenant Gus Greenbaum who, in 1941, set up a national wire for bookmakers. After Lansky ordered a hit on his own longtime partner, “Bugsy” Siegel, who was stealing money from the Flamingo Casino in Las Vegas—which was financed in part by loans from an Arizona bank chaired by Marley—Greenbaum turned day-to-day operations of the wire over to Marley while Greenbaum took Siegel’s place in tending to Lansky’s interests in Las Vegas.

In 1948 Greenbaum was murdered in a mob “hit” that set off a series of gang wars in Phoenix, but Marley survived and prospered as did his protégé, Jim Hensley, whose fortune sponsored McCain’s rise to power.

McCain’s father-in-law also dabbled in dog racing and expanded his fortune by selling his track to an individual connected to the Buffalo-based Jacobs family, key Prohibition-era cogs in the Lansky network as distributors for Bronfman liquor.

Expanding over the years, buying up racetracks and developing food and drink concessions at sports stadiums, Jacobs enterprises were described as “probably the biggest quasi-legitimate cover for organized crime’s money-laundering in the United States.”

In 1976, Hensley’s mentor—Marley (at the height of his power)—was the key suspect behind the contract murder of journalist Don Bolles who was investigating the mob in Arizona, but Marley was never prosecuted.

All of this is well known in Arizona, but Newsweek is working to keep the story contained.

In 2000, when McCain first ran for president, The Spotlight brought the facts to a national audience for the first time. AFP has since reported on this and many Internet outlets have picked the story up, but do not mention AFP as the source. McCain’s mob ties were also outlined in the book, The New Jerusalem (available from AFP for $20) which has had considerable distribution here and abroad.

Since McCain’s career was sponsored by the Lansky-Bronfman syndicate, it is no coincidence McCain recently traveled to London where Lord Jacob Rothschild of the international banking empire raised money among American expatriates on McCain’s behalf. Rothschild has long been allied with the Bronfman family as major patrons of Israel.

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