Rothschild’s Federal Government: Sues Last Great American Company Apple Macintosh For Antitrust

Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) along with four publishers – known in America as Simon & Schuster, HarperCollins, Hatchette and Macmillan – are accused by the European Union to depress competition in the e-book market by setting a price for e-books for sale in Apple’s iTunes Store and not allowing other retailers – like Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) – from selling those items at a lower price. This is called the “agency model” of pricing, which Apple is accused of convincing the four publishers to adopt in 2010 – a model whereby the publishers set the price of the e-book to be sold. This is counter to the “wholesale model,” which allows retailers to set the selling price.
Read more:

steve jobs

One or about July 7, 2008, The Weather Channel was purchased by [GE Owned NBC] for $3.2 Billion, with Britain,s Queen as a major shareholder and by two equity firms; 1 is [Bain Capital owned by Romney and 2 Blackstone which is a big illuminati company] as the Chairman of the Board proves, he is a khazar CFR player, (probably representing Rothschilds interests) AND was managing director of Lehman Bros, Wow, a true insider.

Vatic Project



Weather Channel

The Queen’s Weather Channel continues an apparent quest to take over the world of weather.

Less than 6 weeks after announcing its plans to acquire Weather Underground July 2012, Weather Services International (WSI) – a Weather Channel member company ~ has announced the acquisition of Weather Central from Rothschild August 2012, who had just purchased Weather Central in February just 6 months earlier.

Evelyn de Rothschild Age 79
Evelyn de Rothschild Age 79

On January 2012 Evelyn de Rothschild and his wife Lynn Forester de Rothschild have taken a 70 per cent stake in Weather Central, seeing strong growth prospects for selling its weather data to hedge funds, insurers, commodity traders, energy companies and emerging market broadcasters. Then within 6 months on August 2012, they turn around and sell it to the Queen of England to conglomerate the weather under one name The Weather Channel.


Coldest Winter In 1,000 Years On Its Way ~~ While Fear Mongers Of Global Warming, Laugh All The Way To The Bank!

Weather Central, whose US clients include the CBS Evening News and ABC’s Good Morning America, said it was considering whether to launch its own network to rival the Weather Channel, but had yet to decide whether it would pursue this. Weather Central sells data and interactive weather graphics to broadcasters in countries from North America, where it is the largest in the market, to China, where the government “treats weather data almost like military state secrets,” said Terry Kelly, its founder and chief executive.

The company boasts the ability to target forecasts to within one kilometre, compared to most rivals’ 12km forecasting areas, allowing it to issue precise warnings of monsoon flood damage or a wind farm’s likely output. FinancialTimes

With the additions of Weather Underground and Weather Central to The Weather Channel’s portfolio, its remaining competition in the web and TV weather services space has shrunk. Companies like AccuWeather and WeatherBug have significant businesses, but are frankly dwarfed by the The Weather Channel’s growing empire (from “across all its platforms – television, online, desktop and mobile – The Weather Channel has a 76 percent share of the huge U.S. weather audience.”)

To editorialize a bit, I’m not sure the consolidation of this sector is a healthy thing for the diversity of available products and services and free enterprise.

sign anti trust

Antitrust Laws Protect the Public from Unfair Practices in Large Corporations.

Antitrust laws were put in place by federal and state governments to regulate corporations. They keep companies from becoming too large and fixing prices, and also encourage competition so that consumers can receive quality products at reasonable prices. These laws give businesses an equal opportunity to compete for market share. Preventing monopolies ensures that consumer demand is met in a fair and balanced way. There are four sections that the laws focus on including agreements between competitors, contracts between buyers and sellers, mergers and monopolies.

The man who gave the bankers free reign in America ~ Billy Clinton by repealing The Glass Steagall Act.
The man who gave the bankers free reign in America ~ Billy Clinton by repealing The Glass Steagall Act.

Merging Of Banks In Violation Of AntiTrust Laws



TWO BANKS control the price of silver.

TWO BANKS control the fate of our monetary system.

TWO BANKS are behind the curtain pulling the silver manipulation levers.

TWO BANKS have control over a nation that was founded by “We the People”.

Citibank & JP Morgan

The (Current) Silver Charts Are The Barometer Of NWO Desperation: Conundrum Of Lower Purchasing Prices For Americans While Attempting To Scare The Market Into Selling!

Michael Gorbacheb Last 'Soviet' aka; 'Communist' aka; Rothschild Agent President In Russia. He's here now to Fck Up America For The Centralization Of Money To Rothschild Banking Cartel.
Michael Gorbachev The Last ‘Soviet’ aka; ‘Communist’ aka; Rothschild Agent President In Russia. He’s here now to Fck Up America For The Centralization Of Money To Rothschild Banking Cartel.


Mikhail Gorbachev’s departure from the Soviet Presidium to the San Francisco Presidio precipitated a massive import of Socialism into U.S. government. There are fewer Kings and Presidents playing strategic roles than there are powerful world citizens such as elderly banking magnate David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, media mogul Ted Turner, the late Senator Alan Cranston, Maurice Strong, George Soros, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, and a cornucopia of high ranking Freemasons, New Age occult religionists, “Green” Environmentalists, and so forth.

Ken Raggio

  1. 100 Million Americans In Or Approaching Poverty: Treasonist & CFR’s Mikhail Gorbachev “Our Aim Is To Disarm The Americans And Let Them Fall Asleep.”
  2. Will Mikhail Gorbachev Renounce The Council On Foreign Relations: “Our Aim Is To Disarm The Americans And Let Them Fall Asleep.” M. Gorbachev.
  3. Obama’s Communist Czars: Illuminati Inside America ~ Pelosi & Gorbachev.
Russia Tells United States Citizens Not To Give Up Your Guns: We Learned From Experience Fighting Rothschild’s Banking Schemes!
Russia Tells United States Citizens Not To Give Up Your Guns: We Learned From Experience Fighting Rothschild’s Banking Schemes!

WHEN PUTIN WAS ELECTED PRESIDENT of Russia in 2000, Russia was bankrupt. The nation owed $16.6 billion to the Rothschild-run International Monetary Fund while its foreign debt to the Rothschild-controlled Paris & London Club Of Creditors was over 36 billion dollars.
But Putin took advantage of the current boom in world oil prices by redirecting a portion of the profits of Russia’s largest oil producer Gazprom so as to pay off the country’s debt. The continual surge in oil prices greatly accelerated Russia’s capacity to restore financial sovereignty.

By 2006 Putin had paid off Russia’s debt to the Rothschilds. Russia’s financial dependence on the Jewish financiers was now over. Putin could then establish what became his Russian Unity Party’s 2007 campaign slogan: Putin’s Plan Means Victory For Russia! This slogan continues to make the New World Order Jews very nervous…Here.


Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev says the conspirators who tried unsuccessfully to topple him in 1991 “were truly idiots” — and says current Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is “pulling us back into the past.”

In a wide-ranging interview with the German magazine Der Spiegel, Gorbachev said that despite his position of power he was always suspicious that his conversations were being monitored by elements in the Soviet government. The suspicions turned out to be well-founded.

Asked if he ever discussed important issues with his wife Raisa at home, Gorbachev responded: “You had to go outside. We also never discussed important things openly at the dacha. When I cleared out our Moscow apartment after stepping down as president, they found all kinds of wiring in the walls. It turned out that they had been spying on me all along.”

Gorbachev recalled that before he came to power in the Soviet Union, “the district party leader was the king in his district, the regional leader was a czar and the general secretary was practically God’s equal. That’s why we needed glasnost — openness — first. It was the path to freedom.”

Obama’s Communist Czars: Illuminati Inside America ~ Pelosi & Gorbachev.

Obama’s Kaczynskis

In August 1991, KGB Chairman Vladimir Kryuchkov and other Soviet leaders who opposed Gorbachev’s reforms sought to oust him while he was on vacation in Crimea. Gorbachev discussed the attempted coup in this exchange:

Spiegel: “Then came the coup. But the Americans had already warned you against it early enough — two months earlier, in fact. And they had even named names, including that of KGB chief Kryuchkov. Is that true?”

Gorbachev: “[George H.W.] Bush called me. He referred to information from the Moscow mayor, Gavriil Popov.”

Spiegel: “You didn’t believe him?”

Gorbachev: “The conservatives had announced several times that they wanted to get rid of Gorbachev, and they had already tried it in various committees, but without success.”

Spiegel: “And you chose to go on vacation in Crimea at a time like that?”

Gorbachev: “I thought they would be idiots to take such a risk precisely at that moment, because it would sweep them away, too. But unfortunately they were truly idiots, and they destroyed everything. And we proved ourselves to be semi-idiots, myself included. I had become exhausted after all those years. I was tired and at my limits. But I shouldn’t have gone away. It was a mistake.”

Obama’s Vineyard Vacation Will Cost Taxpayers Millions …

Boris Yeltsin, Gorbachev’s successor, was “very, very self-confident. When we wanted to bring him into the national party, many advised us against it,” Gorbachev told Der Spiegel.

“They later elected him as party leader in Moscow. I supported it. He was energetic, and it took a long time for me to recognize my mistake. He was extremely infatuated with power, haughty and thirsting for glory, a domineering person. He always believed that he was being underestimated, and he constantly felt insulted. He should have been shunted out of the way and made an ambassador in a banana republic, where he could have smoked water pipes in peace.”


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Surveying the scene in Russia today, Gorbachev opined: “What troubles me is what the United Russia party, which is led by Putin, and the government are doing. They want to preserve the status quo. There are no steps forward. On the contrary, they are pulling us back into the past, while the country is urgently in need of modernization. Sometimes United Russia reminds me of the old Soviet Communist Party.”

Putin’s Purge Of The Rothschild Money Changers – Forums of Pravda.Ru

Did you know Rothschild financed Lenin in 1913 to over throw the Monarch of Russia in order to centralize the banking system to his London base?

Russia’s Markets Safest As Putin Just Kicked Out Rothschild Oligarchs …

Asked if Russia will become a democracy, or if nationalists will assume power or the communists will return, Gorbachev replied: “It will be difficult, even painful, but democracy will prevail in Russia. There will be no dictatorship, although relapses into authoritarianism are possible.”

Gorbachev, 80, also said he will “never give up politics,” adding: “Politics mobilizes me. I won’t last long if I give it up.”


Did you know Rothschild Banks has been stopped before and that some of our Presidents have been assassinated by this Bastard Banking Family?


Now The Real Rothschild’s Choice Gorbachev

Mikhail Gorbachev, the former Soviet leader, said he should have left the Communist party months before the attempted coup of 1991. Photograph: Adrian Dennis/AFP/Getty Images

This is what Gorbachev told the Politburo in 1989: “Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about glasnost and perestroika and democracy in the coming years.  These are primarily for outward consumption.  There will be no significant change in the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic purposes. Our aim is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep. (Italics CFP’s).

Will Gorbachev admit the 1987 – 1997 Harassment of the Orthodox Christian Church in the former Soviet Union which continued through the Gorbachev era?

Gorbachev hit the ground running upon his arrival in America.  His mission of converting American military bases to global centers for sustainability came just two years after he resigned as president of the Soviet Union on Dec. 25, 1991.

To this day,  Gorbachev in active member of the Maurice Strong, George Soros triumvirate pulling the puppet strings of President Barack Obama.

No one eased the path for Gorbachev’s agenda to close federal military bases around the U.S. more than Nancy Pelosi.

“Pelosi’s involvement in the disposal of federal military surplus land is matched only by Gorbachev, who is the founder of Green Cross International(GCI)

A devised a mechanism for converting American military bases to civilian uses converting the bases over to “global centers for sustainability.” (Canada Free Press, Nov. 15, 2006).

During her Presidio stint, Pelosi was an investor in a real estate investment called Presidio Partners.

Green Cross International was built on the 1992 Earth Summit in rio de Janeiro and supported the implementation of the Summit’s Agenda 21.
Agenda 21 is an action plan of the United Nations (UN) related to sustainable development and was an outcome of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. It is a comprehensive blueprint of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the UN, governments, and major groups in every area in which humans directly affect the environment.

It was Nancy Pelosi who patiently shepherded Agenda 21 through Congress.  On March 29, 1993, she introduced a joint resolution (H.J. RES166) to renew the call for the United States to “assume a strong leadership role in implementing Agenda 21 and other Summit agreements”, eventually gathering 67 co-sponsors for her bill, roughly 30 of whom are still in Congress to the present day.

In a speech entitled “From Swords to Plowshares”, delivered in the House of Representatives on June 4, 1992, Pelosi cheered the arrival of Gorbachev to San Francisco’s Presidio as a tenant.

“The National Park Service is actively seeking ideas for programs and tenants at this spectacular site.  Last month, former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev visited the Presidio to propose that the Gorbachev Foundation/use be located at the Presidio when the army leaves.  In his words, `it is wonderful and symbolic that a military base is being converted for use by the people’.”

“As the cold war ends,” Pelosi continued, “it is, indeed, fitting that this army garrison—one of the oldest in the United States—will be transformed to a monument of peace, environmental preservation and recreation as a global park.”

Less than a year after Pelosi’s fawning words, Gorbachev and his 100% American, pre-funded $3.5 million Gorbachev Foundation moved into a white, shingled bayfront house at the historical Presidio overlooking the Golden Bridge.

Now we find that the S.V.R., the successor to the Soviet K.G.B. planted Russian spies in the United States to gather information and recruit more agents.

Please Click And Watch This Video

“On Monday, federal prosecutors accused 11people of being part of a Russian espionage ring, living under false names and deep cover in a patient scheme to penetrate what one coded message called American “policy making circles”. (The New York Times, June 28, 2010).

the Russian spies had lived for more than a decade in American cities and suburbs from Seattle to New York, “where they seemed to be ordinary couples working ordinary jobs, chatting to the neighbors about schools and apologizing for noisy teenagers”.

The enemy among us, it seems, just came crashing through all conspiracy theories.

The easy road to America for the Russian spy ring busted by the FBI was paved long ago by the likes of Nancy Pelosi.

Why is there any surprise in America that the Cold War never really ended?

When the Soviet Union collapsed on its own misery, Communism struck out for greener pastures in the West.  And you can’t get anymore “West” than America.

A place in the sun was being prepared in America for Mikhail Gorbachev, even before he abandoned ship.

This is what Gorbachev told the Politburo in 1989: “Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about glasnost and perestroika and democracy in the coming years.  These are primarily for outward consumption.  There will be no significant change in the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic purposes. Our aim is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep.” (Italics CFP’s).

And disarming America is precisely what Gorbachev went on to successfully do.

It’s not as if if Gorbachev faded into the woodwork after his well celebrated arrival in America.  To this day,  he’s an active member of the Maurice Strong, George Soros triumvirate pulling the puppet strings of President Barack Obama.

No one eased the path for Gorbachev’s agenda to close federal military bases around the U.S. more than Nancy Pelosi.

“Pelosi’s involvement in the disposal of federal military surplus land is matched only by Gorbachev, who as founder of Green Cross International (GCI) devised a mechanism for converting American military bases to civilian uses converting the bases over to “global centers for sustainability.” (Canada Free Press, Nov. 15, 2006).

During her Presidio stint, it is alleged that she was an investor in a real estate investment called Presidio Partners.

Gorby hit the ground running upon his arrival in America.  His mission of converting American military bases to global centers for sustainability came just two years after he resigned as president of the Soviet Union on Dec. 25, 1991.

CGI built on the 1992 Earth Summit in rio de Janeiro and supported the implementation of the Summit’s Agenda 21.

It was Nancy Pelosi who patiently shepherded Agenda 21 through Congress.  On March 29, 1993, she introduced a joint resolution (H.J. RES166) to renew the call for the United States to “assume a strong leadership role in implementing Agenda 21 and other Summit agreements”, eventually gathering 67 co-sponsors for her bill, roughly 30 of whom are still in Congress to the present day.

In a speech entitled “From Swords to Plowshares”, delivered in the House of Representatives on June 4, 1992, Pelosi cheered the arrival of Gorbachev to San Francisco’s Presidio as a tenant.

“The National Park Service is actively seeking ideas for programs and tenants at this spectacular site.  Last month, former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev visited the Presidio to propose that the Gorbachev Foundation/use be located at the Presidio when the army leaves.  In his words, `it is wonderful and symbolic that a military base is being converted for use by the people’.”

“As the cold war ends,” Pelosi continued, “it is, indeed, fitting that this army garrison—one of the oldest in the United States—will be transformed to a monument of peace, environmental preservation and recreation as a global park.”

Less than a year after Pelosi’s fawning words, Gorbachev and his 100% American, pre-funded $3.5 million Gorbachev Foundation moved into a white, shingled bayfront house at the historical Presidio overlooking the Golden Bridge.

This anti-American activist ‘PELOSI’ in office was one of Gorbachev’s most useful idiots as far back as 1992.

Now we find that the S.V.R., the successor to the Soviet K.G.B. planted Russian spies in the United States to gather information and recruit more agents.

“On Monday, federal prosecutors accused 11people of being part of a Russian espionage ring, living under false names and deep cover in a patient scheme to penetrate what one coded message called American “policy making circles”. (The New York Times, June 28, 2010).

Al Qaeda-like,  the Russian spies had lived for more than a decade in American cities and suburbs from Seattle to New York, “where they seemed to be ordinary couples working ordinary jobs, chatting to the neighbors about schools and apologizing for noisy teenagers”.

The enemy among us, it seems, just came crashing through all conspiracy theories.

The easy road to America for the Russian spy ring busted by the FBI was paved long ago by the likes of Nancy Pelosi.

Too bad treason seems to have gone off the books with Benedict Arnold.

Political Vel Craft



The divestiture was initiated by the filing in 1974 by the U.S. Department of Justice of an antitrust lawsuit against AT&T.[1] The case, United States v. AT&T, led to a settlement finalized on January 8, 1982, under which “Bell System” agreed to divest its local exchange service operating companies, in return for a chance to go into the computer business, AT&T Computer Systems. Effective January 1, 1984, AT&T‘s local operations were split into seven independent Regional Holding Companies, also known as Regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOCs), or “Baby Bells”. Afterwards, AT&T, reduced in value by approximately 70%, continued to operate all of its long-distance services, although in the ensuing years it lost portions of its market share to competitors such as MCI and Sprint.



So where’s The DOJ when it comes to Banks, Land, Gold, & Weather?