Rick Santorum Who Statistically & Mathematically Will Never Reach Ron Paul Or Mitt Romney: Asks Louisiana Ousted GOP Chairman Roger Villere For Delegate Support! BUT WHY?

Santorum Since January 2012 Was Statistically & Mathematically Unelectable: Yet He Continues To Mislead U.S. Citizens About His Prospects!

At 3:11 On The Video Timeline, 564 Delegates Is Mentioned.

564 delegates is a direct quote from Doug Wead who is an advisor to Ron Paul in his campaign.

  1. Breaking From Louisiana -> GOP Corporate Insider Roger Villere Refused To Recognize Ron Paul’s Delegate Lead Of 62% Over Romney Fans: Louisiana GOP Convention Splits ~ Ron Paul Wins Majority Convention
  2. Santorum Can’t Win 1144 Delegates – By Brian Bolduc – The Corner 
  3. Santorum Cannot Realistically Get to 1144 Delegates | Race 4 2012
  4. Santorum And Gingrich Cannot Win The Nomination
  5. Both Rick Santorum And Newt Gingrich Can’t Reach 1144 Delegates

The strategy the campaign is implementing is on track to collect a boatload of delegates.

This is a two man race between Romney and Paul. Santorum and Gingrich are not on the ballot for 564 delegates worth of states. They are not, and will not be on the ballot in other states besides just Virginia. They have no grassroots support and virtually “zero” ground game. They cannot win the nomination they are statistical and mathematically unelectable.

This is basically an artificial gang rape by Gingrich & Santorum orchestrated by The CFR, to denigrate, diminish, Ron Paul in the eyes of the viewer and to eventually elevate Mitt Romney for slaughter by Obama.

  1. “Pro-life” fraud Rick Santorum campaigned for partial-birth abortion supporter, CFR-member Christine Todd Whitman for NJ Governor
  2. Newt Gingrich

Obama has absolutely no chance against Ron Paul.


All this MSM Propaganda pushing either Santorum or Gingrich is a joke. Anyway you work the numbers, they are out.

Gingrich beating Romney in South Carolina is actually a good thing for Ron Paul. The delegates are getting all split up and it’s going to be very difficult for Romney, or anyone to get enough, which could result in a brokered convention. Santorum will be dropping out soon as he has no money or organization to continue much further and isn’t even on the ballot in 4 states. Gingrich, who is also missing from the ballot in 2 states, is going to split votes with Romney and take delegates away from him as Paul continues to pick them up little by little.This race is a marathon, not a sprint. The campaign has a plan. They have money, organization, and grassroots support in many upcoming states like Nevada, Missouri, Maine, Minnesota, Louisiana, Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, etc. They never expected to do all that well in South Carolina or Florida, so this doesn’t hurt his campaign much at all. He will be in the race all the way to the convention and possibly steal the nomination.

Daily Paul