Remembering When Colorado Anti-Gun Senators Were Recalled

Colorado Senators

(Dan Cannon)  We’ve already reported that Colorado State Senate President, and one of the architects of Colorado’s anti-gun laws that were passed earlier this year has conceded his recall election and is OUT as state senator.

Now, it seems that Angela Giron, the rookie senator who was also a staunch supporter of the gun laws who was also facing recall is also OUT! Giron lost 56% to 44% add Morse lost 51% to 49%.

Colorado pro-gun activists appear to be 2 for 2 on their recall efforts!

Come And Take Them
Come And Take Them

This is a massive win for gun rights on a national level as many saw these local races as a nation referendum on gun rights.

Initially it appeared Giron might survive her recall bought, as early vote numbers had her solidly leading the recall effort. However, as the night wore on her number got worse and worse with her ultimately losing

Both sides of the gun debate at the national level got involved in the local race.

According to the NY Times, billionaires Michael Bloomberg and Eli Broad have each donated over $250,000 to defending the anti-gun senators during the recall bid.

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The NRA’s contribution was in the $100,000 range, with total donations from conservative outlets estimated in the half a million dollar range.

According to the Times,

The influx of money has allowed each side to claim that its opponents are being manipulated by outside interests. One advertisement by the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners said Mr. Morse was taking “marching orders” from the “billionaire playboy” Mr. Bloomberg. A fund-raising e-mail from Senator Gillibrand called the election “a wrongful recall by the N.R.A.”

Colorado’s vote is being watched closely around the nation as a litmus test of how voters respond to new gun measures in a swing state with an ingrained culture of hunting, sport shooting and gun ownership.

“There’s symbolic importance to both sides,” said Eric Sondermann, a political analyst in Denver. “If they’re recalled, it would be interpreted as a rejection of the gun control agenda, a rejection of what Colorado passed. If these two prevail, then maybe that’s one more nick in the armor of the N.R.A. and the gun advocates.”

This article first appeared @ Guns Save Lives


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Bill Of Rights Are Unalienable Rights they are NOT Inalienable Rights. Inalienable Rights are a legal ease trapping in the court system. Know Your Rights!!!

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