Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán Removed Rothschild & IMF In 2011-2013

Overthrown Constitutionally Elected Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych
Overthrown Constitutionally Elected Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych 2013
  1. Ukraine’s President Yanukovych Said No To Joining The European Union 2013
  2. Obama Financed Maiden Terrorists Ensued To Overthrow Yanukovych And Seated Rothschild Fascist Poroshenko.
  3. Obama & McCain Did This: When Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych Said No To The European Union!


Twenty-five years after helping topple Communism, Prime Minister Victor Orban of Hungary has come to question Western values.
Twenty-five years after helping topple [Rothschild] Communism, Prime Minister Victor Orban of Hungary has come to question [Rothschild] Western values.
  1. Viktor Orban Orders Rothschild IMF To Leave The Country. Now Issuing Debt Free Money
  2. Hungary’s Viktor Orban Kills The Rothschild Banks 2011: Ordered IMF To Vacate Country
  3. Hungary: Maiden – Style “Protesters” Say Viktor Orban Is ”Tyrannical & Corrupt”, Yanukovych Ukrainian Redux

Hungarians Are Quit Vocal Even With The Very Popular Prime Minister Viktor Orban ~ Or Was This An Overreaction By A Maiden Inspired Attempt To Build A Violent Revolt? In The End, Prime Minister Viktor Orban Banished The Tax Several Days Later. Keep In Mind Ole Nazi McCain Visited Hungary Attempting To Suade Them Back To The Rothschild Dark Side Of Finances.

Check This Out:

Chairman of Soros Fund Management George Soros, left, talks with U.S. Senator John McCain, right, during the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Thursday, Jan. 23, 2014.. (AP Photo/Michel Euler)
Chairman of Soros Fund Management [Convicted Felon By France] George Soros, left, talks with U.S. Treasonist John McCain, right, during the [Rothschild] World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Thursday, Jan. 23, 2014.. (AP Photo/Michel Euler)

The Soros NGO Strings:

Here we go again.. Another Ukrainian-style ‘revolt’ is coming to Hungary. Courtesy of the US/EU NGO’s.

And so, many American people who are unaware, will by corporate media abuse, come to blame Putin for an actual American regime change.

Hunagry's Viktor Orban Removed Rothschild IMF in 2011. Russia's Vladimir Putin Removed Rothschild In 2006. Both have continued to clear out the corrupt ever since. China Has Accelerated The Removal Of The Corrupt Rothschild Mafia Since 2010.
Hunagry’s Viktor Orban Removed Rothschild IMF in 2011. Russia’s Vladimir Putin Removed Rothschild In 2006. Both Have Continued To Clear Out The Corrupt Ever Since. China Has Accelerated The Removal Of The Corrupt Rothschild Mafia Since 2010.

Budapest has been shaken by several days of mass street demonstration against plans by Viktor Orban’s government to introduce a tax on the internet. According to the media, 100,000 Hungarians came out onto the streets of Hungary’s capital to tell the prime minister no.

In and of itself, the internet tax is a weak excuse for the organisation of 100,000-strong demonstrations. And, of course, demands to abolish the tax turned into demands for the resignation of Hungary’s ‘dictatorial’ and ‘corrupt’ government.

Attacks were also launched on government buildings: as one, internet user pelted them with stones, notebooks and mobile phones.

End Rothschild

Here is the kicker:

Among the demonstrators was the U.S. charge d’affaires in Hungary, Andre Goodfriend, who previously reported that the US authorities had banned six Hungarian nationals close to the Hungarian prime minister from entering the country.

The whole post, written by a Hungarian: Viktor Orban Threatened by Maidan-Style Protest Movement.


Tip Of The Hat To TMJ For This Article:

The Mad Jewess



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