Obama’s Federal Stooges Beginning To Understand The Power Of Sheriffs: Sheriff Warns Federal Agents They Will Be Arrested If They Interfere!


March 19, 1848 – January 13, 1929


Opening engagement of the Chainsaw Rebellion: Otero County Tree Party defies feds, cuts trees, and . . . nothing happens.

Congressman Steve Pearce speaks at the Otero County Tree Party.

Just heard by phone from Bob Wright on the Otero County Chainsaw Rebellion today. About 300 folks showed up to defy the Fedsand the Feds blinked. Congressman Pearce cut down the first tree and then it was cut into 2″ slabs and handed out to members of the crowd as souvenirs by the Otero County Sheriff Benny House.

Steve Pearce with implement of federal defiance in hand, just after cutting down the first tree.

The Feds came into town a couple days ago and threatened to arrestanybody who tried to cut down a tree. The Sheriff is reported to have said, “You do that and I’LL arrest YOU for kidnapping.” The Feds made themselves scarce today, Bob reports.

Otero County NM Sheriff Benny House. He told the Feds he’d arrest them if they interfered with the Chainsaw Rebellion.I expect a more complete report later todayand will post it when I get it.

Congressman Pearce interviewed after defying the Feds at the Otero County Tree Party.

Hats Off To Lucky, For Bringing This
To My Attention.