Americans Suffer Economically As Their Rothschild Zionist U.S. Masters Send Billions to Rothschild’s Israel Ploy!

Zionism Is Rothschild. Its A State Entity Powered By The International Banking System which Has NO Affiliation With Hebrew Jews And Their Faith Of Judaism.

The extent to which Americans are economically exploited by their ruling Zionist Supremacist elite is obvious to the rest of the world, and is regularly commented upon in the Middle East media.

For example, a recent article in the post in the Gulf Daily News, written by one of its regular columnists, was headed “US politicians prostitute their country for Israel lobby support.”

The remarkably accurate article, which would never have appeared in the Jewish Supremacist-censored media in America, pointed out that “At a time when the US is experiencing its worst economic conditions since the Great Depression, Congress dropped its debate rules to expedite additional financial, political and military commitments to Israel, including extending a bank loan guarantee for 9 billion dollars and making available for free to the Israeli military ‘excess defence articles’ following the US withdrawal from Iraq.”

Mr Kanj said that “in their eagerness for Israel lobby election campaign funds and Jewish votes, US politicians have put Israeli interests ahead of those of the American people, displaying rare unity in doling out more US taxpayer money for Israel at a time of economic recession, possibly violating the US constitution and in effect surrendering America’s UN veto power to Israel.”

Referring to the recently passed “United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012,” Mr Kanj went on to point out that the bill was “drafted by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and co-sponsored by Israeli firsters Barbara Boxer and Howard Berman, of the US Senate and House respectively.

“The omnipresence of Israeli lobbyists at the signing of the “rare bipartisan” bill provided a perfect background display of the foreign lobby’s power in the US,” he added.

“While gridlocked for months on a jobs bill for unemployed Americans, Congress ‘suspended the rules’ to pass the AIPAC-inspired measure with unparalleled bipartisanship and cooperation.”

The article went on to point out that the Jewish Supremacist Republican House Majority leader Eric Cantor had readily acknowledged that the support came despite difficult economic times.

“When we are facing huge fiscal challenges, this bill makes it clear that no matter what, the US always stands strong in our support for Israel,” he said.

An article in the Huffington Post pointed out that the Act literally flew through Congress as it was adopted on a voice vote in the Senate on June 29th and by House on July 17th with Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tx) offering the sole opposition.

The bill made it to the president’s desk and was signed into law on July 27th.

While Congress has exhibited no similar impetus to act on 16 million American children living in poverty – as if an estimated 1.5 million homeless children were not a national priority — it is worth noting that the Senate has adopted 21 percent of all Senate bills acted on by a Committee between 2009 – 2010.

In addition to $4 billion in annual U.S. military aid to Israel, the Congress has authorized over $1 billion specifically for Iron Dome since 2009 as a “taxpayer investment,” according to the House Armed Services Committee report.

With no regard for another two million Americans who will lose unemployment benefits at the end of 2012, the Pentagon finalized a deal with Lockheed Martin for a $450 million sale to Israel for an integrated electronic systems in the F-35 joint strike fighter jet as part of a $15 billion package.

Dr. David Duke