Arrest Of Rothschild Banking Cabal!

OBAMA COMMUNISM rothschildism

The world seems to have finally awoken to the fact that a cabal of bankers are systematically looting the planet by design.  As the dominoes fall, even people not attuned to a “New World Order” know that when it comes to the economy, at least, something insidious is taking place.

There is increasing evidence to suggest that this cabal of once-secret players is being dragged out from the shadows into the light.  A wave of worldwide resignations in the banking sector has forced even those who are knowledgeable of the machinations of the banking elite to travel even deeper down the rabbit hole in the search for an explanation for this purging.

Massive controversy has surrounded some of the revelations put forth by David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford, specifically; and a new video prognosticates that we are about to see the mass arrest of some 10,000 members of the bankster cabal.  Clearly we have no way to confirm this, nor do we believe that we should hold our collective breath, but one thing cannot be disputed: what is suggested in the video above should happen. And it should happen immediately.

Activist Post