Barbara Boxer Prostituting Our Children Of Tomorrow

The United Nations as a defined body, has now written the doctrine for Thursday’s Child, mandating the youth of today to be their own deciding factors.

United Nations

Al Gore States, “Ignore your parents, older people don’t know.”

Gross Assault On Parental Rights

Sen. Barbara Boxer is urging the U.S. to ratify a United Nations measure meant to end the rights of Parents, a move critics are calling a gross assault on parental rights that could rob the U.S. of sovereignty.

“To the extent that an outside body, a group of unaccountable so-called experts in Switzerland have a say over how children in America should be raised, educated and disciplined — that is an erosion of American sovereignty,” said Steven Groves, a fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.

Parental rights groups are similarly stirred; they see in the U.N. convention a threat that the government will meddle with even the simplest freedoms to raise their children as they see fit.”

Boxer Seeks To End Parental Rights

Question is, Why this orchestrated struggle to by pass family?
Why would the self described creator of the Internet, Global Warming, now
proselytize youth and denigrate family? Gore, Boxer, Obama, U.N. to be seen as Mien Fuhrer?