Rothschild Rhode Agent Bobby Jindal Bans U.S. Currency Transactions In Louisiana.

Banking Cabalist For Rothschild ~ Bobby Jindal

You’re A Rhode Agent and Cecil Rhodes Basis For Educating Americans At Oxford, was to indoctrinate these students with the theme that the American colonies should be reunited with the British Empire and that they should work through “public service” to achieve that goal. These Scholarships were all underwritten by The Rothschild Dynasty.

  1. United States & Texas Revolutions: Infographic ~ Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death!

December 1994
Bobby Jindal received his M.Litt. in Politics earlier this year from Oxford University, where he was a Rhodes Agent. He is currently an Associate at McKinsey & Co. in Washington, D.C. He has been accepted at Harvard Medical School and Yale Law School, and has the option of returning to Oxford for a D.Phil. in Politics. He will be deciding which path to pursue soon. A convert to Christianity [JUST LIKE NEWT GINGRICH & TONY BLAIR], he was born and raised Hindu. REMEMBER that the British Rothschild Controlled India.

This article has been generously contributed by Thad D. Ackel, Jr. Esq., an advocate for private property rights and economic and civil liberty. Visit his web site at Ackel & Associates.

George Washington ~ On The Streets Of Trenton

Our greatest founding father and first president, George Washington, probably wouldn’t be ready to celebrate his birthday on Feb. 22 if he were alive today. Having led the 13 colonies to independence from the British Empire in 1783, following the course of a difficult eight-year struggle by those freedom-loving American colonists who followed him, Washington (who lived from 1732 to 1799) would most assuredly be appalled to see that the liberties achieved from the American Revolution are now being flagrantly defied by a number of figures who populate the upper ranks of the administration of Barack Obama.

Editor’s Note: Last month we advised our readers of a troubling trend in Europe which now seems to be rearing its ugly head here in the U.S. When France banned cash transactions over $600 for the sales or exchange of metals like copper, gold and silver it was reportedly an effort by legislators to stop metal thieves from illegally unloading their stolen goods. The same criminal enterprises used in France to justify their legislation is now being used to pass similar, perhaps even more extreme, legislation right here in the United States. In addition to banning certain kinds of cash transactions completely, Louisiana now forces all “second-hand” dealers of goods (like gold, silver, or ANY second hand property) to keep detailed records of their customers, regardless of what they are selling. As you’ll see, and as is the case with most legislation emanating in recent years from States and the Federal government, the definitions have been purposely left ambiguous so that they can be applied at will by the State in any way police and prosecutors choose. We full expect similar laws to be enacted across the country in due time. Our ability to engage in lawful, private transactions with U.S. legal tender is being systematically stripped away.

Cash Transactions Banned by Louisiana: Jindal Government Takes Private Property Without Due Process

by Thad D. Ackel, Jr.

This summer, the State Legislature and Governor of Louisiana passed a law that bans individuals and businesses from transacting in cash if they are considered a “secondhand dealer”.  House Bill 195 of the 2011 Regular Session (Act 389) broadly defines a secondhand dealer to include   “… Anyone, other than a non-profit entity,who buys, sells, trades in or otherwise acquires or disposes of junk or used or secondhand property more frequently than once per month from any other person, other than a non-profit entity, shall be deemed as being in the business of a secondhand dealer. ” The law then states that “A secondhand dealer shall not enter into any cash transactions in payment for the purchase of junk or used or secondhand property.

Payment shall be made in the form of check, electronic transfers, or money order issued to the seller of the junk or used or secondhand property…”  The broad scope of this definition can essentially encompass everyone; from your local flea market vendors and buyers to a housewife purchasing goods on ebay or craigslist, to a group of guys trading baseball cards, they could all be considered secondhand dealers. Lawmakers in Louisiana have effectively banned its citizens from freely using United States legal tender.

Dr. Dolleen Licciardi

Governor Bobby Jindal Announces Appointment Of  Dr. Dolleen Licciardi, of Ridge, Louisiana to  the Health Education Authority of Louisiana. Dr. Licciardi belongs to the Rothschild Pediatric Group Which is an Illuminati company. Rothschild Pediatric Group, 4770 S. I 10 Service Rd., Metairie, L.A 70001 504-887-1133

The law goes further to require secondhand dealers to turn over a valuable business asset, namely, their business’ proprietary client information.  For every transaction a secondhand dealer must obtain the seller’s personal information such as their name, address, driver’s license number and the license plate number of the vehicle in which the goods were delivered.  They must also make a detailed description of the item(s) purchased and submit this with the personal identification information of every transaction to the local policing authorities through electronic daily reports.  If a seller cannot or refuses to produce to the secondhand dealer any of the required forms of identification, the secondhand dealer is prohibited from completing the transaction.

Hey what about his birth certificate?

This legislation amounts to a public taking of private property without due process or compensation.  Regardless of whether or not the transaction information is connected with, or law enforcement is investigating a crime, individuals and businesses are forced to report routine business activity to the police.  Can law enforcement not accomplish its goal of identifying potential thieves and locating stolen items in a far less intrusive manner?  And of course, there are already laws that prohibit stealing, buying or selling stolen goods, laws that require businesses to account for transactions and laws that penalize individuals and businesses that transact in stolen property. Why does the Louisiana State Legislature need to enact more laws infringing on personal privacy, liberties and freedom?


During The British Petroleum Orchestrated Eco-Disaster, Bobby Jindal made numerous polemic speeches directed at Obama for 60 days of inaction ~ which was nothing more than a red herring! Again, Jindal is a Rhodes Agent and should understand that The Separation of Powers of the Constitution favors State law. In fact in being a Rhodes Agent, he followed through in subverting U.S. State Laws. Jindal ABSCONDED his duty to protect The Shores Of Louisiana, and in turn, simply gave The Citizens of Louisiana Bad Faith Speeches Of Treason.

Motivating the introduction of this legislation was an increase in criminal activity, necessitating law enforcement to develop additional tools in tracking potential criminals. Thefts of copper and other precious metals have risen recently with higher commodity prices and mounting pressures from the economic downturn.  The added restrictions under this recent legislation have come about under the pretense of cracking down on crime and helping the government take care of you, all at the cost of your individual privacy, economic, civil liberty and freedom.

In fact, this super duper Christian convert ~ Born by foreign nationals on U.S. soil, constructively embarrassed the Conservatives when he gave the GOP response to Obama’s speech February 24, 2009.

Interestingly enough, although Pawnshops are still required to obtain clients personal information and transmit their client database information to law enforcement, they are exempt from the restriction of cash payments.  A jeweler next door to a pawnshop cannot offer clients the same payment method offered by its competing pawnshop neighbor.

Yes Jindal claims to be an exorcist too. Is Bobby Jindal An Exorcist Too? 2nd Site

Act 389 passed by unanimous consent of the Louisiana House of Representatives and only mustered one nay vote (Senator Neil Riser) from the State Senate.  The governor signed the legislation into law on July 1, 2011.

Thad D. Ackel, Jr. serves as lead counsel at Ackel & Associates L.L.C. and Broker of Tribute Real Estate.



Six former Rhodes Agents (educated at Oxford University in Britain) and four others associated with the London School of Economics are serving in key posts in the Obama administration. That’s not good.

Six former Rhodes Agents (educated at Oxford University in Britain) and four others associated with the London School of Economics are serving in key posts in the Obama administration. That’s not good.

Top: Rice, McFaul, Kagan, Slaughter, and Wolin
Bottom: Emanuel, Summers, Orszag, Rouse, and Sutphen

Here are the 10 key “British”-that is, ‘Rothschild Operatives’ now ensconced in the Obama administration (more can be expected):


Susan Rice – ambassador to the UN;


Michael McFaul – head of the Russian desk at the National Security Council;


Elena Kagan – solicitor general of the United States;


Anne-Marie Slaughter – State Department policy planning staff;


Neal S.Wolin – deputy counsel to the president for economic policy;


Ezekial Emanuel – senior counselor at the White House Office of Management and Budget on health care policy;


Lawrence Summers – head of the National Economic Council;


Peter Orszag – director of the Office of Management and Budget;


Peter Rouse – senior advisor to the president;


Mona Sutphen – deputy chief of the White House staff.

The truth about the Rhodes Scholarships is not known to the average American who is constantly told by the mass media that Rhodes Agents are Humble Scholars (such as former President Bill Clinton) who are among “the best and the brightest.”

It Depends Upon What is IS!

A Rhodes Agent & Bull Dyke ~ Rachel Maddow Of MSNBC.

Bull Dikes On Parade: Rhode Agent Janet Napolitano & rhode Agent Rachel Maddow

The Rhodes Scholarships-awarded to Americans and students from other former British colonies-are funded by a trust set up by 19th Century British imperial figure Cecil Rhodes and under written by The Banking Cabalists Rothschild Dynasty, whose intent was to indoctrinate these scholars with the theme that the American colonies should be reunited with the British Empire and that they should work through “public service” to achieve that goal.

Maddow studied political science at Oxford (a communist think tank) and worked for air America with Al Franken.

Al Franken Now A Senator From Little Islam, Minnesota.

But Rhodes wasn’t just some rich madcap dreamer. His ventures were underwritten by the international Rothschild dynasty operating from the financial district in London known as “The City”-the banking center of the Rothschild controlled British empire that also includes the London School of Economics.

So now a clique of internationalists trained in the idea of extinguishing American independence are ensconced in the Obama administration. And another Rhodes Agent, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, is widely touted as the great Grand Old Party candidate to “take back the White House” in 2012. Jindal doesn’t offer “change.” He-like the other globalists in the Obama administration-is part of the problem. All of this is not a “conspiracy theory.” Rather, these facts are well known to those familiar with what the Rhodes scholarships are really about.

Bilderberg Rick Perry Receives Endorsement: Rothschild Rhode Agent Bobby Jindal Supports Bilderberger.

Weekend Reflections: Eric Cantor (R-VA) Financed By The British Monarchy’s London Banking Cartel.

New Orleans Runs $5,000,000.00 Anti-British Monarchy Campaign : Bobby Jindal Polemicized With Obama Just Long Enough For The Oil To Hit Louisiana Marshlands.

31, 486 Scientists : Global Warming Is A Complete Fabrication – “the human-caused global warming hypothesis is without scientific validity.”