Obama’s Indonesian Blunder: Where Is The Proof He Officially Changed His Name From Barry Soetoro To Barrack Obama

The name identified in artifices on the phony Barack Obama Certificate of Live Birth aka; COLB, is Barack’s sister, Maya Kassandra Soetoro. Discovered by TechDude.

Israel Insider is reporting that analysts working separately have determined the birth certificate posted on the Daily Kos website and later on Sen. Barack Obama‘s “Fight the Smears” campaign website is fraudulent, and now two different actions have been launched to try and obtain the truth about the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee’s birth.

  1. Out Of Africa: Kenyan-Born Obama, All Set For 2004 US Senate ~ Christians, All Set To Die.

The Israel Insider report said the two analysts it interviewed both have been “able to independently discern the name ‘Maya Kassandra Soetoro’ from artifacts left behind in the process of forging a new fake document for Barack from an image of Maya’s original document.” Maya is Obama’s younger half-sister.

The report follows a posting from another researcher, identified by the news publication as Techdude, that the birth certificate is a forgery because it originally documented the birth of a woman in the 1970s.

Here’s the simple summary–an authentic COLB was used as a template to create the so-called “birth certificate” that was first posted at Daily Kos and the official Barack Obama campaign site. Why doesn’t Barack come clean with his own, genuine Certificate of Live Birth? We do not know for sure but it appears that the name listed is that of BARRY SOETORO. Barry Obama was adopted by Lolo Soetoro and, by virtue of that adoption, was registered as Barry Soetoro in Hawaii.

Barry Soetoro aka; Barack Obama’s Sister Maya Soetoro, was born to Indonesian businessman Lolo Soetoro and American cultural anthropologist Ann Dunham and half-sister to the Putative 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama. While living in Indonesia, she was home schooled by her mother and then attended Islam Jakarta International School and returned to Hawaii and attended the private Punahou School in Honolulu, Hawaii, graduating in 1988.

SEE CLARIFICATION BETWEEN CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH aka; [Vault Birth Certificate – The Real McCoy] vs CERTIFICATION OF LIVE BIRTH [The Common COLB which is nothing more than a simple Newspaper Notice].

Responses to “If Obama Was Born In America: What Happened When Obama Was Adopted In the World’s Most Populous Muslim Nation By Lolo Soetoro? Maya Have A Clue?”

  1. Please use the correct name of the document purporting Obama’s birthplace.Obama Uses a “Certification of Live Birth” (COLB) which is NOT a “Certificate of Live Birth”A Certification document alleges the existence of something, it certifies that a real birth certificate exists, but it is NOT -THE- BIRTH CERTIFICATE, it is a document that certifies the existence of something else.Notice the use of “Caucasian” and “African” for mother and father’s race. These terms were NOT used in 1961, and would not appear on an original “Certificate” — in fact the terms “White” and “Negro” were used in 1961, and 1971 on US government birth statistic documents, and in 1991 the terms were “White” “Black” — So the “Certification” does not even correctly reflect what is on the original certificate.POSTED BY HANK | APRIL 23, 2011, 12:40 
  2. Volubrjotr ->
    I’m glad you brought up another semantical exercise that the COLBers use to confuse the public at large.I have reposted your comment and in kind will respond line for line to clarify this for others.Hank->
    Please use the correct name of the document purporting Obama’s birthplace.Volubrjotr->
    The Correct Name That Shows Birthplace is –> [CertifiCATE Of Live Birth] aka; Vault Birth CERTIFICATE, which (Is NOT A COLB)The Name which shows only the town where a COLB has been issued from is –> CertifiCATION of Live Birth written on a Certificate which (Is A COLB) which is only as good as a ‘Newspaper Notice’ of a Live Birth. A COLB is meaningless with regards to validity of Birth Place, as foreign nationals have always been issued a Honolulu CertifiCATION Of Live Birth which (Is A COLB) which is written upon a simple certificate. See Sun Yat SenThis gets to be somewhat confusing using Sun Yat Sen’s COLB, because his COLB says CertifiCATE of HAWAIIAN BIRTH and Hawaii did not make the distinction then between [certification] & [certificate] as it did in 1961 (time relevant to Obama). But it does shows how [A Foreign National Received A COLB]. Sun Yat Sen simply lied to get a COLB by an affidavit rather than a VAULT Birth CERTIFICATE. Remember, Sun Yat Sen was on the run from China and needed to hide out in Hawaii because of the warrant issued for him in China.Dr. Sun Yat-sen was born on 12 November 1866, to a peasant family in the village of Cuiheng, Xiangshan county , Guangzhou prefecture, Guangdong province (26 km or 16 miles north of Macau). Born in China, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen has a Certificate of Hawaiian/Live Birth aka; COLB, just the same as Obama. Dr. Sun Yat-Sen’s background is no less than the Father of ‘Modern’ China, a great hero. Remember, Hawaii issues COLBs for those who have lived one year in Hawaii prior to their foreign birth and issue Birth Certificates, to those who were actually born in Hawaii.Hank->
    It’s a “Certification of Live Birth” NOT a “Certificate of Live Birth”Volubrjotr->
    The document COLB is both a ‘certification’ and a certificate (See Here)On the document heading of the image above, you will see on Obama’s COLB the title – Certification of live birth. But when you go to the bottom, you will see that this COLB is issued upon a Certificate.To understand better this play on words, think of the word CARD at Hallmark, where they have many CARDS for many different reasons like – Marriage-Birthday-Graduation-Get Well Soon CARDS etc etc.Now Replace the word CARD with [CERTIFICATE] and you will see how Obama’s [CertifiCATION Of Live Birth’ aka; COLB] –>Marriage-Birthday-Graduation-Get Well Soon–> is simply portrayed upon a [Certificate or in this example a CARD]. See Bottom Of COLB.IOWs, Barry has a ‘Certification Of Live Birth’ that is represented on a [certificate = CARD].
    Barry’s [certificate = CARD] shows he has a ‘COLB’ or ‘Certification of Live Birth’.

    A COLB or CertifiCATION Of Live Birth, [which is represented upon a certificate] is the exact same thing as a Newspaper showing that a child was born. Both The COLB and a Newspaper, bear the same meaning, and Does Not REPRESENT a VAULT BIRTH CERTIFICATE aka; [CertifiCATE Of Live Birth – which is ALWAY posted at the top].



    The Vault Birth Certificate [CertifiCATE Of Live Birth] shows validation of details. (see the difference here)

    A Certification document alleges the existence of something, it certifies that a real birth certificate exists, but it is NOT a certificate, it is a document that certifies the existence of something else.


    Notice the use of “Caucasian” and “African” for mother and father’s race. These terms were NOT used in 1961, and would not appear on an original “Certificate” — in fact the terms “White” and “Negro” were used in 1961, and 1971 on US government birth statistic documents, and in 1991 the terms were “White” “Black” — So the “Certification” does not even correctly reflect what is on the original certificate.

    Yepper, but those terms are inconsequential in that they DO differentiate. Point is well taken, that it is very consequential in time based semantics, where the terminology is actually different and which do show the trail of ‘alteration’ – which then NULLIFIES the COLB!!


    Thanx Hank!

    POSTED BY VOLUBRJOTR | APRIL 23, 2011, 16:16 

  1. New In-Depth Investigation Into Soetoro aka; Obama, Spells Trouble Ahead!
  2. Obama’s Step Sister Dies : Lia Soetoro & Barry Soetoro Both Were Indonesian Citizens
  3. Investigations Into The Obama Administration Including Protracted Constitutional Eligibility Continues!

Besides being the Putative First Sister Maya has a Hawaii Certification of Live Birth (COLB) despite be born in Jakarta Indonesia. Supposedly this certificate was used by the Daily Kos to forge an Obama version. Anyone find it odd that Maya, undisputedly born in Indonesia, would have the same type of document as Barack Obama to forge?

Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate is forged using his sister’s Maya Kassandra Soetoro’s COLB. Publication of a forged document with intent to deceive is a crime. Forgery of an Official Document is a crime. Conspiracy and Misprision are crimes. We may also have prima facie evidence of crimes under INA 1952. Falsifying a Birth Certificate is a crime.

Sandra Ramsey ~ Forensic Document Examiner



Hawaii Revised Statute 338-178 allows registration of birth in Hawaii for a child that was born outside of Hawaii to parents who, for a year preceding the child’s birth, claimed Hawaii as their place of residence. Statute 338 is in substance and 178 are minor revisions.The Certificate of Hawaiian Birth program was established in 1911, during the territorial era, to register a person born in Hawaii who was one year old or older and whose birth had NOT been previously registered in Hawaii.

  1. Obama Law Tab Hits $2,800,000.00: Contempt Of Court, Contempt Of Congress, Contempt Of Constitution ~ Still No Birth Certificate ~ ALL To Foment A Constitutional Crisis!!

Since Hawaii issues “Certificates of Live Birth” to children not born in Hawaii and “Birth Certificates” to children who are born in Hawaii, the only way to know where Hussein Obama was actually born is to view Hussein Obama’s original birth certificate from 1961 that shows the name of the hospital and the name and signature of the doctor that delivered him. The COLB has been show to be fraudulent and is also considered Rebuttable Presumption. The Vault Copy is Conclusive Presumption. Since Barry Soetoro presented the Rebuttable Presumption to the American Public at large, he must now prepare to answer for the Conclusive Presumption. IOWs, he must show from where the COLB was drawn. We do know that Barry in his college days used his Indonesian passport. Indonesia does not allow dual citizenship.

You may be wondering what this has to do with Barry Soetoro/Barack Hussein Obama aka; BHO.
Dr. Sun Yat-sen was born on 12 November 1866, to a peasant family in the village of Cuiheng, Xiangshan county , Guangzhou prefecture, Guangdong province (26 km or 16 miles north of Macau). Born in China, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen has a Certificate of Hawaiian/Live Birth aka; COLB, just the same as Obama. Dr. Sun Yat-Sen’s background is no less than the Father of ‘Modern’ China, a great hero. Remember, Hawaii issues COLBs for those who have lived one year in Hawaii prior to their foreign birth and issue Birth Certificates, to those who were actually born in Hawaii.

Sun Yat-Sen

The correlation between Sun Yat-sen (China) and Barry Soetoro (Kenya then no dual citizenship Indonesia) aka; B.H. Obama, is to illustrate that fact. Both also illustrate (revolutionaries) Sun Yat-sen “Father Of Modern China” and Soetoro “Statist” – pre Socialism, using Hawaii.

Sun Yat-sen was born in 1866 in China and applied for a Hawaiian Certificate in 1904 with a price on his head from China. Remember, Sun Yat-sen was educated like Soetoro and used his education to overthrow the government of China in hopes of establishing National Socialism. Many correlations to Sun Yat-sen are now being laid down by Soetoro in the USA. It is by no coincidence that these two revolutionaries chose Hawaii. First, Sun Yat-sen fled to the Hawaiian territories to escape the hangman’s noose in China after stirring up such a commotion and Soetoro to claim U.S. Citizenship by proxy.

  1. Father Of Communist China ‘Sun Yat-Sen’ & Obama, Received Hawaii’s COLB

Sun Yat-sen applied at age 38 to become an American Citizen via Hawaiian birth laws (for U.S. protection from China), thus no immigration requisites (No Vetting) – granted retroactively for 1904 application to 1870. Soetoro applied by proxy thru Aunt, as his mother was underage and could not legally apply for a COLB (Certificate Of Live Birth – given to foreign born children) vs Birth Certificate (given to natural born Hawaii children). No distinction is made in law by certification or certificate.

Sun Yat-sen was governed by Hawaiian Territorial Laws, which were granted retroactively from 1904 back to a non descriptor alleged 1870 birth date in the Hawaii Islands. This was a ‘paper’ convenience, as no vetting took place and he could blend in and hide to save his neck.

Bottom line: The COHB for Sun Yat-sen, the COLB for Soetoro, and where they were born, were governed by different requisites. One Territorial and the other by State, separated by a half century – yet one factor was similar, both used Hawaiian Law for the convenience of obscurity. This issue alone pales in comparison to Obama’s Indonesian Citizenship – for if by chance it is shown he was actually born in Hawaii (this would cause a huge investigation into the fraud of the COLBs and the whys) – Soetoro’s None Dual Citizenship of Indonesia is enough to shut him down when his mother allowed Barry to be adopted under Islamic Indonesian Law (no dual citizenship).

  1. Weekend Reflections: Key Witness In Obama Passport Fraud Case Murdered In Front Of Church.

Guess what Barry used for convenience when Barry came back to Hawaii to live with his Grandmother – thats right the COLB. Did Barry ever work anywhere for taxing purposes? So, is all this to keep conspiracy theorists busy stirring up non-issues to preoccupy citizens while Barry convolutes the U.S. Constitution under their noses? Or is this as the Republican National Committee states, “”The problem that we have with this president is that we don’t know him,” Steele said. “He was not vetted……”

One has to apply critical thinking here and not Un Constitutional ‘empathy’ (which Barry calls for) when comparing John McCain vs Barry Soetoro: The Constitution is based upon Judeo Christian Doctrine which is emphatic-’empathy’ for one’s Freedom ‘USA is a Republic’. Being emphatic-’empathy’ towards non-freedom/slavery is National Socialism – Islamic Fascism.




Into the world’s most populous Muslim nation – 


Ann’s Second Muslim Husband Lolo Soetoro, Maya on Ann’s lap And Barry to her left.

Forget The Ann argument of Lolo marriage/divorce retention of U.S. citizenship. If Barry was born in America, Ann was too young to even sign for his birth, let alone convey or loose any type of citizenship by marriage or divorce.

Barry himself must worry about:

1) Being adopted by Soetoro in Indonesia & retaining that name.

Remember, that when he signed the papers to practice law in Illinois?

See the second statement of none for any former names.

Remember when ole Barry was a senator and he travelled to Kenya to campaign for his muslim cousin Odinga at taxpayer expense? Ya, Odinga lost and retribution came down on the Christians even to the point of burning them alive in their Churches! Obama keeps nice company__eh?

Barack Obama fraudulently applied to the Illinois Bar.

  • Obama had 17 unpaid parking tickets from his days at Harvard.
  • Obama omitted his aliases of Barry Soetoro and Barry Obama.
  • Obama admitted to drug use when he was younger and there is strong reason to believe he was still using drugs. Cocaine use bars anyone from practicing law.


2) Attending Indonesian State School.

Both of which do not allow for retention of U.S. Citizenship.  Indonesia does not allow dual citizenship.

In a passport amendment submitted Aug. 13, 1968, Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, identified her son with an Indonesian surname and asked the State Department to drop him from her U.S. passport.

The transaction could have been part of an effort by Dunham to obtain Indonesian citizenship for her son. It took place before the State Department began requiring all citizens traveling abroad, regardless of age, to obtain their own passport.

Several court cases challenging Obama’s presidential eligiblity have argued he gave up his U.S. citizenship in Indonesia and used an Indonesian passport to travel to Pakistan in the early 1980s. Indonesia does not allow dual citizenship.

The amendment was submitted less than a year after Dunham joined her second husband, Lolo Soetoro, in Indonesia. It requested “Barack Obama II (Soebarkah)” be removed from her U.S. passport, No. 777788.

So here are the things I know…

1.  I KNOW that Obama has now admitted that he was a Kenyan citizen through his father.

2.  I KNOW that Obama has been hiding all sorts of things and only begrudginly admitting anything about himself when irrefutable proof is discovered.

3.  I KNOW that the SCOTUS has never had a case they decided on the status of a person that held possibly three nationalities as a child and the qualification of “natural born citizen” as a qualification for the Presidency.

4.  I KNOW that the SCOTUS has never decided a case on the status of a person that gave up his citizenship to the US when adopted by a foreigner, but was renaturalized a few years later.

5.  I KNOW that I don’t want a President that lies and tries to cover up who he is and where he came from.

  1. Update On The Sudden Death Of Obama’s Sister Lia Soetoro: Information From The Consulate General Of The Republic Of Indonesia.

From Russia: 

  1. No evidence of Hawaiian birth for AKA Obama. What about Kenya?

Newspaper print of LA Times – Occidental recalls ‘Barry’ Obama

U.S. Code


§ 1015. Naturalization, citizenship or alien registry

(a) Whoever knowingly makes any false statement under oath, in any case, proceeding, or matter relating to, or under, or by virtue of any law of the United States relating to naturalization, citizenship, or registry of aliens; or
(b) Whoever knowingly, with intent to avoid any duty or liability imposed or required by law, denies that he has been naturalized or admitted to be a citizen, after having been so naturalized or admitted; or
(c) Whoever uses or attempts to use any certificate of arrival, declaration of intention, certificate of naturalization, certificate of citizenship or other documentary evidence of naturalization or of citizenship, or any duplicate or copy thereof, knowing the same to have been procured by fraud or false evidence or without required appearance or hearing of the applicant in court or otherwise unlawfully obtained; or
(d) Whoever knowingly makes any false certificate, acknowledgment or statement concerning the appearance before him or the taking of an oath or affirmation or the signature, attestation or execution by any person with respect to any application, declaration, petition, affidavit, deposition, certificate of naturalization, certificate of citizenship or other paper or writing required or authorized by the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, citizenship, or registry of aliens; or
(e) Whoever knowingly makes any false statement or claim that he is, or at any time has been, a citizen or national of the United States, with the intent to obtain on behalf of himself, or any other person, any Federal or State benefit or service, or to engage unlawfully in employment in the United States; or

(f) Whoever knowingly makes any false statement or claim that he is a citizen of the United States in order to register to vote or to vote in any Federal, State, or local election (including an initiative, recall, or referendum)—

  1. Senior Hawaii Election Official, “I Will Testify Obama Definitely Not Born In Hawaii”
  2. U.S. Air Force General McInerney Affidavit: Supports Constitutionalist Colonel Terrence Lakin ~ Obama Eligibility.

Where can we find Barry Soetoro (His legal name in Indonesia) to Barrack Obama, when he moved back to the United States?

Here’s another good overview.
Also remember, why has Obama spent +$2.8 million to quash transparency on the issue?

The Nationality Act of 1940, revised 1952, Section 318(a) states, “A former citizen of the United States expatriated through the expatriation of such person’s parent or parents and who has not acquired the nationality of another country by any affirmative act other than the expatriation of his parent or parents may be naturalized upon filing a petition for naturalization before reaching age of Twenty-Five [25] years and upon compliance with all requirements of the naturalization laws with the following exceptions: (b) No former citizen of the United States, expatriated through the expatriation of such person’s parent or parents shall be obliged to comply with the requirements of the immigration laws, if he has not acquired the nationality of another country by any affirmative act other than the expatriation of his parent or parents, and if he has come or shall come to the United States before reaching the age of twenty-five years. (c) After his naturalization such person shall have the same citizenship status as if he had not been expatriated.”

Berg continues, “Renewing an Indonesian Passport after the age of 18 is an affirmative act, as you are swearing allegiance to another Country. Soetoro/Obama renewed his Indonesian Passport when he traveled to Pakistan that is why he had to stop in Indonesia first. Remember, in 1981, Dunham was divorcing Soetoro in Hawaii and was not in Indonesia. Obama/Soetoro admits to traveling to Indonesia first and then onto Pakistan. Soetoro/Obama claims in his book “Dreams from my father” that he stopped in Indonesia to visit his mother. But again, his mother was not in Indonesia, she was in Hawaii with Maya, divorcing Lolo Soetoro. In addition, the State Department has stated in response to a FOIA [Freedom of Information] request that they do not have a U.S. Passport application on file for Barack H. Obama.”

Berg said, “Despite the above however, Indonesia required Obama/Soetoro to do a bit more upon his 18th birthday. In fact the Indonesian law gives until the age of Twenty-One [21]. Soetoro/Obama would have had to sign an Affidavit relinquishing his Indonesian citizenship and said Affidavit had to be sent to the Indonesian Government before reclaiming any U.S. citizenship he may have once held.

When it comes to the citizenship of individuals in other countries, we are prevented from interfering, Hague Convention 1930. During the late 60′s all the way up until 2006 Indonesia did not allow dual citizenship.

Obama Crimes


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