Soros’s Fast & Spurious: Holder Knew In 2009 Proof!


BELLEVUE, WA-( The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today released a powerful video call on American citizens to demand full disclosure on the deadly Operation Fast and Furious.

Soros has been actively working to destroy America from the inside out for some years now. People have been warning us. Two years ago Bill O’Reilly said on “The O’Reilly Factor” that “Soros [is] an extremist who wants open borders, a one-world foreign policy, legalized drugs, euthanasia, and on and on. This is off-the-chart dangerous….”

Soros has categorically denied receiving money from drug cartels or any form of criminal activity.

The fact remains, however, that at least some of his financial operations have been based offshore, in banking and financial centers that are widely reported to be considered conducive to money-laundering.

The Soros fund is based in the Netherlands Antilles, a self-governing federation of five Caribbean islands. A CIA factbook describes the region as “a transshipment point for South American drugs bound for the US and Europe; money-laundering center.”

Soros reportedly purchased a major stake in one of Colombia’s biggest banks, at a time when the Drug Enforcement Administration, in its study, “Colombian Economic Reform:

The Impact on Drug Money Laundering within the Colombian Economy,”  was documenting how major drug kingpins were taking advantage of the liberalization of the economy to put illicit drug revenue into legitimate businesses.

The report stated: “U.S. and Colombian Government authorities have evidence of drug proceeds being deposited in every major bank in Colombia… A Colombian source indicated that many banks and businesses are owned covertly by principal members of the Cali cartel.”

In late 2006, Soros bought about 2 million shares of Halliburton—Dick Cheney’s old stomping grounds.

His complex web of financial interests, companies and foundations makes Halliburton look like a Mom & Pop operation.


Soros is a partner in the Carlyle Group where he has invested more than 100 million dollars. According to an article by “The Baltimore Chronicle’s” Alice Cherbonnier, the Carlye Group is run by “a veritable who’s who of former Republican leaders,” from CIA man Frank Carlucci, to CIA head [and ex-President] George Bush, Sr.

When the Democrats and Republicans held their conventions in 2000, Soros held Shadow Party conventions in the same cities, at the same time.. RINO Subversive Senator John McCain was the keynote speaker at the “Soros Convention” (so labelled by the late Robert Novak) in Philadelphia.

  1. Satan To Distance Self From Rothschild, Soros, McCain, Bloomberg, Lieberman, Reid, Rockefeller, & Maurice Strong!
  2. We Have A Convicted Felon Still Driving Behind The Wheel In America: His Name Is George Soros!
  3. Breaking -> United State’s New Hero ~ Vladimir Putin: Russia Issues International Arrest Warrant For Rothschild Henchman & Leftist Savior George Soros!
  4. Convicted Felon George Soros 81 Offers Brazilian Ex-Girlfriend Adriana Ferreyr 31 ~ $250K to Drop $50M Lawsuit.
  5. Convicted Felon George Soros Creeping Around Our Nation: Told Obama To ‘Nationalize’ US Banks By Exorbitant Forced ‘Bailouts’.
  6. British Monarchy Proposes United States Return To Pre-1845 Borders As A Solution To The Drug Cartel’s U.S. Mexican Border War!
  7. Argentina Supreme Court Connected To Convicted Felon George Soros’s Prostitution Operations!

The 1-minute video message asks viewers to imagine their child grew up to be a Border Patrol agent who was gunned down in the line of duty, and then imagine learning that the federal government had supplied the guns to Mexican drug cartel killers.

Then comes an image of Attorney General Eric Holder, being sworn in to testify before Congress, with the caption “I knew nothing.”

CCRKBA released the video coincidentally just hours after Congressman Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, announced that next Wednesday, the committee will vote on whether to hold Holder in contempt.

Holder has been reluctant to provide tens of thousands of documents relating to the investigation of Operation Fast and Furious, even after they were subpoenaed last October.

“What’s happened with Operation Fast and Furious is a travesty,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “I wanted our message to be powerful, so that viewers understand who is claiming ignorance on this, and why the investigation has been dragging on so long.

“I’m delighted that Chairman Issa will bring the contempt citation up for a vote next week,” he continued, “but I want the public to hold Congress’ feet to the fire. We deserve to know who is responsible for Fast and Furious, and they deserve to be held accountable.

“Eric Holder needs to come clean and provide every bit of evidence to the Oversight Committee,” Gottlieb stated. “The notion that he can continue stonewalling Congress on this scandal, perhaps hoping it will fade from public attention after the election must be stopped.

“People have been killed because of this inept operation,” he concluded. “Border Patrol agent Brian Terry’s family deserves answers, and we need to make some examples so that this kind of thing never happens again. Our promotional video will keep this issue in the public eye until we get to the bottom of this case.”

With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is one of the nation’s premier gun rights organizations.

As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States.

The Citizens Committee can be reached by phone at (425) 454-4911, on the Internet at or by email to


This video was taken on Tuesday, August 25th, 2009 at Rep. Jim Moran’s (D-VA) Town Hall meeting on Obama Deathcare (Howie Dean was there too) held at South Lakes High School in Reston, VA.

Many people were left outside when the school filled to capacity. School security officer Wesley Cheeks, Jr. did not like my anti-Obamacare poster which used one of the gone-viral “Joker” graphics.

When I said to Officer Cheeks, “This used to be America!” his response was: “It ain’t no more, OK?”

I feel sorry for Obama supporters deceived by his “stimulus” plan. Watch those inner city abortion clinics get stimulated though. Democrat and (apostate) church leaders sure seem to have time and money to build those.

Google “margaret sangar black children eugenics” (no quotes) and find out what’s REALLY behind those Democrat abortuariums run by Planned Parenthood.

Democrat eugenicists like Rahm Emanuel and his brother Zeke “Dr. Mengele” Emanuel and John Holdren and George Soros and Mr. Abortion himself, Barack Obama can’t kill enough black babies. The ovens are fired up. Wake up people.

point gif

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