Breaking : Baxter Drug Company Obtained Patent For Dangerous H1N1 Vaccine 1 Year BEFORE Swine Flu Pandemic Hoax!

  1. 76% Of Americans Refused H1N1 Vaccine
  2. Naval Captain, Chief Petty Officer Dead, With 4 U.S. Naval War Ships Incapacitated On The Open Sea – After Receiving The Deadly H1N1 Vaccine!

Baxter Drug Company Obtain Patent –

1 Year Before the Swine Flu Epidemic

The Baxter drug company obtained a patent on the swine flu one year before it was in existence.
Here is part of the patent information and Baxter are nothing if not prepared for this ’swine flu’ outbreak if the wording in this 2008 US patent application is anything to go by:

“In particular preferred embodiments the composition or vaccine comprises more than one antigen…..such as
influenza A and influenza B in particular selected from of one or more of the human H1N1, H2N2, H3N2, H5N1, H7N7, H1N2,H9N2, H7N2, H7N3, H10N7 subtypes, of the pig flu H1N1,
H1N2, H3N1 and H3N2 subtypes, of the dog or horse flu H7N7,
H3N8 subtypes or of the avian H5N1, H7N2, H1N7, H7N3,
H13N6, H5N9, H11N6, H3N8, H9N2, H5N2, H4N8, H10N7, H2N2,
H8N4, H14N5, H6N5, H12N5 subtypes.”

“Suitable adjuvants can be selected from mineral gels,
aluminum hydroxide, surface active substances, lysolecithin,
pluronic polyols, polyanions or oil emulsions such as water in
oil or oil in water, or a combination thereof. Of course the
selection of the adjuvant depends on the intended use.
E.g. toxicity may depend on the destined subject organism
and can vary from no toxicity to high toxicity.”

Here is an additional excerpt from that patent:

The addition of Formaldehyde and UV irradiation methods in swine flu vaccine
****  Baxter Patent filed in 2008.

This is very much a planned epidemic, and the toxicity of this vaccine is dangerously high with the ingredients not even approved by the FDA.


Vitamin D3 is lethal to the Bird/Swine Flu and is inexpensive to buy at Health Food Stores. So McCain tries to introduce a bill S3002 to prevent supplements and herbs. McCain gave up on this bill with the outcry from the citizens of the U.S.

So whats up? Weasel Waxman ‘sneaks’ the anti-supplement bill into the current ‘Finance Reform Bill’ being debated on Wall Street. Waxman Slips Obscure Anti-Supplement Measure into Wall St. “Reform” Bill Passed by the House

Now tell me why they are so obsessed with denying Americans their vitamins when they all pushed a vaccine down our throats, that have killed and maimed 1000s of people in the ‘Pandemic swine/bird flu’ hoax? All during last century Americans have been taking their vitamins/herbs, where’s the death toll – why in 2010 do they want to stop supplements? Vitamin D3 which is actually a hormone, provides lethal protection against the mild swine/bird flu virus. Take between 2-5K IU/day for 3 months (general recommendation) then you may reduce to just 2-3K IU-this is especially important if you are inside and out of the sun.

  1. Swine Flu Vaccine Banned in Israel…
  2. Czechoslovakia Blocks H1N1 Vaccine from Entering Country – Condemned, Not Safe
  3. Obama: Launches GLOBALIST’S Deceptive Swine Flu Propaganda Blitz: AMERICA IS THIS ALL THAT YOU WANT?
  4. Nationwide Mass Revolt Accelerates Against Swine Flu Vaccination

This virus of a man is orchestrating against your ‘best interests’ and that is to stay alive/healthy on your OWN terms. Not by the spin they attempt to inject by governing ‘purity’ of product etc. they blew all credibility on H1N1 and the stimulus package with no transparency. Then they whine about the ‘Fairness Doctrine’ to dominate Media Plus radio’. Well how about the ‘Fairness Doctrine’ for the American people – these people are not representing they are condemning America by a 1000 ‘sneaky’ razor cuts. Its out right treason/war – this is truly domestic terrorism by congress.


RINO BlockHead McCain: Take Supplements or Herbs? Not For Long if McCain Has His Way! McCain Bill S 3002 to Kill Supplement Access


Patent Number:  US 2009/0060950 A1

The adjuvant called MF-59 Contains SQUALENE  which can cause:

Multiple Sclerosis
Rheumatoid Arthritis

Very assuredly  MF-59 WILL damage your immune system so that you cannot fight future illness. Animal studies show that this ingredient MF-59 has killed animals only 1 in 14 animals survived in a study. The ingredient is not approved by the FDA but the N1H1 is approved by the FDA. Does this make any sense in a rush to get billions of dollars sold to the US government in a fear campaign.

Most people know by now that these vaccines contain harmful ingredients namely:

Mercury –     destroys brain cells
Aluminum-  toxic and destroys immune system
MF-59  –      kills animals and remains untested in humans

SQUALENE is linked to the tests done in the Gulf War Syndrome where the Veteran Affairs Department admits that soldiers were inoculated with the ANTHRAX VACCINEjust for one year from 1990 to 1991.  These soldiers developed deadly auto-immune diseases in great numbers and the ALS, Lupus, Transverse Myelitis, Blindness and other major illness from those very vaccines that were predominately tested on the US soldiers as guinea pigs for science.

Every soldier and every mother of a son -who came back after being vaccinated with these deadly vaccines should be writing to their congressman, senators and the President to stop these vaccines from being even produced by corporate greedy drug companies now.

The President has greatly under estimated the damage these vaccines will cost him in health care costs which will be massive and into the billions of dollars.


Once it is injected-there is very little you can do to protect yourself from death, disease and a very damaged immune system.   You also will not be able to blame, sue or get compensation for your medical bills, hospitalization or detoxing the chemicals in your body.  Once these chemicals are floating around damaging your :

Organs, Brain, Eyes, Stomach, Liver, Lungs, Heart, Bowels

All your major organs and the most important part -your immune system will be damaged forever.  The insurance companies will stop covering Swine Flu Vaccine related claims because there will be too many of them.

The Obama Health Care program will be over burdened with Swine Flu vaccine damaged patients and the whole system will break down eventually with the numbers of diseased vaccine recipients.


1) Get 8 hours sleep per night.
2) Eat healthy fresh fruits, vegetables -organic
3) Drink clean purified water -oxygenated
4) Do avoid stressful situations as much as possible.
5) Wash your hands and stay clean of germs in public.
6) If you are in public -wear a mask if it gets worse.
7) Get lots of exercise-fresh air.
Increase your Vitamins C and D3 and supplements.
9) Study, be aware-and know your rights to refuse this deadly vaccine.
10) Tell your family, friends, and start a community awareness group.
11) Advise your doctor that you will not take the vaccine.
12) Many healthcare workers are refusing to take this vaccine-speak to them.
13) Avoid processed foods with chemicals, additives, colors, dyes, GMO’s.

It is not against the law to refuse this vaccine and in Canada there is the Charter of Rights that protects the rights of the individual not the drug company.

Also be aware you cannot sue anyone if you are damaged -the drug companies have insisted
That the FDA and the US government absolve them of any law suits, which means you  have a company making a dangerous product for which they will have no responsibility if it fails and it will fail.

Mercury will not protect you from a virus.
Aluminum will not protect you from the Swine Flu.
MF-59 will disable you and not protect you from the Swine Flu.

This is a deadly cocktail of chemicals that harm a human body -and will inflict a lifetime
Auto-immune disease in healthy people. For those that suffer from auto-immune diseases if they receive this vaccine it will cause their death. If you were to read the Emergency Preparedness Act under George Bush which is still in effect they are already contemplating what to do with the bodies.

Think long and hard – on what you want to do to protect your family from this deadly vaccine now before it becomes a law in the United States.  The targets now are pregnant women and health care workers who will certainly receive these vaccines first.

TAGS: N1H1 Vaccine Damage, mandatory Swine Flu Vaccines, FDA, NIH, CDC, Hyped Up Swine Flu, Baxter Drug Company, Swine Flu Patents, Baxter Patents on H1N1 Vaccine, UK Researchers, Hyped Up Deaths due to Swine Flu, MF-59 Toxins, Toxins in Swine Flu Vaccine, mercury in Swine Flu Vaccine, Aluminum in Swine Flu Vaccine, Baxter prepared for Swine Flu.

Swine Flu Death Figures are Flawed

Also you have to wonder why drug companies obtained patents on flu viruses for the Swine flu a year before the incident of the pig in Mexico.  In this regard we see the events unfolding as a deliberate attempt to manufacture a vaccine before the so called epidemic of swine flu.

It is also interesting to note that he SARS virus unleashed at a chicken farm in China – was also induced out of the United States in a foreign country so as not to affect a US company negatively as a breeder of a new virus strain.

The SARS virus hit the Canadian economy and specifically the City of Toronto with over 5 million people. What it caused was economic loss and it was again only found in people who had underlying diseases that died -the SARS virus was always diagnosed with an accompanying underlying disease

Swine Flu Cocktail of Chemicals” that drug company’s will make billions of dollars profiting from the sale of this vaccine to the whole world.  They are not limiting themselves to the USA who are in a drug induced love affair by pill popping for every thing from yellow toe nails to a sneeze.  Pills are everywhere as evidenced by drugs found in our very drinking water that have not been removed.  If you want a hit of anti-depressants just drink New York City water, and if you want a hit of arthritic pain medication just go to Arizona.

It is the uncertainty of numbers of possibilities in some of the mathematical data that is being used by the “Holy Biased Trinity which is the FDA, CDC and NIH and their aim is to make people afraid of mere projected possibilities.

Politicol News


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