Repeal The Obama Monsanto Protection Act!

Obama Monsanto
Obama Signs The Seditious Monsanto Protection Act ~ CLICK

This week, an amendment to repeal the Monsanto Protection Act could be introduced in Congress by Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) during the farm bill debate and we need your help to make sure this blatant corporate handout is no longer law.

  1. GMO Monsanto Infested With Fraudulent Inside Trading By Corrupt Scientists!
  2. Killer Cults: Obama USA & Harper Canada ~ Deregulates International Borders For Streamlining Monsanto GMO Foods That Are Linked To Organ Failure.
  3. Foreign Troop Buildup In Colombia: To Confiscate U.S. Citizen’s Defense Weapons In The United States Of America.
  4. Breaking => Gang Of Eight Gone Wild Violates Will Of The People: Approves $6.3 Trillion New Taxpayer Debt For Immigration Amnesty!

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  1. Nation Of Hungary Destroys All Deadly Monsanto GMO Corn Fields: While Obama ‘Streamlines And Harmonizes’ Monsanto GMOs Into America With Canada.
  2. The Real Story Behind the ‘Monsanto Protection Act’
  3. Big Milk & Big Dairy To Add Monsanto’s Aspartame!
  4. Waco Texas Fertilizer Company Hit By Drone/Laser Strike After Lawsuit Filed Against Monsanto!

The passage of the Monsanto Protection Act was that the last straw for millions of Americans and citizens worldwide that are outraged over the continued corruption of our democratic institutions, the contamination of our environment and Monsanto’s relentless march to take over of our food supply.

The Monsanto Protection Act has been called the most outrageous corporate handout in recent history.This dangerous provision, strips judges of their constitutional mandate to protect consumer and farmer rights and the environment, while opening up the floodgates for the planting of new untested genetically engineered crops, endangering farmers, citizens and the environment.


Join Food Democracy Now!

Tell Congress to repeal the Monsanto Protection Act!

A copy of your letter of support will be delivered to President Obama, your Member of Congress and Senators:

Dear Senators,

I urgently request that you repeal the Monsanto Protection Act. I am outraged that the so-called “farmer assurance provision”, Section 735, currently included in HR 933, was not struck from the Continuing Resolution spending bill passed by Congress this past March.

It’s time for Congress to reject the corporate takeover of our food supply! I’m asking you to repeal the Monsanto Protection Act, Section 735 of H.R. 933 and block any other amendment or provision that would limit state or local elected officials from effectively governing food and agriculture at the local level. Don’t let Monsanto, biotech lobbyists or Congress short circuit the growing grassroots movement to label GMOs at the state level.

Please protect the American people, our Constitution and our farmers and repeal the Monsanto Protection Act. It’s time to put America’s farmers and the health of our nation’s citizens over corporate profits.


[Your Name]

Food Democracy Now

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