Victories Over Agenda 21: The Seditious, Treasonist, & Surreptitious U.N. Attempt To Destroy The U.S. Constitution!

But let me give you some uplifting news and insight.

First, I want to share with you video of a speech I gave a few months ago to the John Birch Society‘s Executive Council. This talk focused on our victories over Agenda 21/Sustainable Development forces. Now, you may say, Tom, your views just aren’t realistic – especially in view of what happened Tuesday. We’re done. We’re defeated.

  1. John Birch Society Organized To Counter Rothschild’s Corrupt Council On Foreign Relations!

  1. Obama Enforces United Nations Agenda 21 by Shutting Down 259 Fed Agriculture Offices ~ Ending Initially 7,000 American Jobs (which is still increasing) While Importing 80,000 Islamic Immigrants.
  2. The Goldwater Institute Suing Obama’s Agenda 21 Scheme: Blocking Water To Tombstone, Arizona USA!
  3. Obama Signs His 86th. Executive Order #13575 Agenda 21: Ron Paul ~ Executive Orders Being Taken Too Far!

Well, the fact is, everything I say in this talk is absolutely true – just as much today as it was before the election. We have scored some major victories. And no matter what happened on election night, the Left is terrified of us because of those victories. We are now learning new ways to fight. We are training grassroots activists.And we can win more. In the state legislatures, in the local communities. And even on the international level. Take a look at my video and see why.

  1. U.S. Sheriffs Block New World Order: Absconding American Citizen’s Property By Colluding With Obama’s Unconstitutional Executive Order For U.N. Agenda 21.
  2. Constitutional Sheriffs: Rural America Project & County Sheriff Project ~ Battle U.N. Agenda 21 ~ Their Attempt To Take Over Of Our Rural Land!
  3. Rothschild’s Obama ~ Establishes Domestic Terrorism Group By Signing His 86th. Executive Order #13575: Agricultural Dams Being Removed In The USA U.N. Agenda 21.

Second, for the most part, the Republican defeat Tuesday was a defeat for the old guard establishment that leans more to the left than the right. In fact, they fear us “crazies” from the Right. We’re just too radical, they say. So, in the past 4 years they have forced on us candidates like John McCain and MItt Romney as cannon fodder against a committed Marxist like Barrack Obama. You can’t beat someone like him by being nice, or hesitant to speak out. Both McCain and Romney found that out the hard way. So don’t take the election results as a defeat of the ideals and principles you and I hold so dear. These ideas didn’t lose –because they weren’t even in the debate.

  1. Stopping Agenda 21: Obama & United Nation’s Surreptitious Attack Upon America To Control Your Property.
  2. Dismantling Obama’s Agenda: Bringing To Justice The Corrupted Politicians.
  3. Karl Marx’ 10 Point Program of Communism And The Democrat Agenda

Third, OUR ideas did win – big. For example, in Virginia, there was a ballot measure to amend the state Constitution to protect private property rights against the use of Eminent Domain. Voters in a state that ultimately gave its Electoral votes to Obama, voted 82% in favor of protecting private property rights. THAT is OUR victory! More states are ready for such legislation. I am helping to write sample legislation that will have teeth and meaning in protecting your property rights.

We must not give up. We must believe in our principles and fight for them. Specifically, if we focus on the local and state level, we can, in many ways, stop federal (Obama) efforts.

  1. 80% Of Obama Farm Bill Going To Food Stamps: Thats $770 Billion [Charged To Tax Payers] & Then Diverted To Companies Like Monsanto!
  2. Italy To Help American Citizens: President Of Italy’s Supreme Court Sends U.S. 9/11 Crimes To International Criminal Tribunal!

You and I have circled the wagons tightly enough – now it’s time to charge!


Tom DeWeese
American Policy Center

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