Silver Set To Bring Down Rothschild’s Cronie Capitalism

Set against the backdrop of today’s headline – 67% of Americans don’t approve of Obama’s economic policies, the film takes a provocative look at our deeply depressed economy using the words and actions of Presidents Reagan and Obama and shows the marked contrast between Reaganomics and Obamanomics.

The film contrasts two views of the role that the federal government should play in our daily lives using the words and actions of Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama. Two versions of the American dream now stand in sharp contrast. One views the money you earned as yours and best allocated by you; the other believes that the elite in Washington know how to best allocate your wealth. One champions the traditional American dream, which has played out millions of times through generations of Americans, of improving one’s lot in life and even daring to dream and build big.

The other holds that there is no end to the “good” the government can do by taking and spending other peoples’ money in an ever-burgeoning list of programs. The documentary film I Want Your Money exposes the high cost in lost freedom and in lost opportunity to support a Leviathan-like bureaucratic state.

For more information about “I Want Your Money” please visit .


During the month of September, London has printed derivative sells on Silver to drive the price down in their attempt to scare monger people to dump their silver and get them back holding paper currency. Well if people get back to holding paper currency, they are once again subjecting themselves to actually VALIDATING NWO’s game OF PASSING THEIR DEBT TO YOU AND THUS DEVALUING YOUR BUYING POWER.

Main Story At 9:56 min on timeline video slider.

One May Want To Buy The American Silver Eagle With Any Extra Money They Have. Remember ~ One May Get Rid Of The Currency And Get The Gold Or Silver. Yes, The Fed Reserve is Illegally selling ‘paper’ into the COMEX (where silver exchanges are made) as if this paper was ‘real silver’. The name for this paper is ‘derivative’ of which they claim represents ‘real silver’. Here’s the catch, (IT DOES NOT), there is now more fraudulent paper silver than ‘real physical silver’ and this process is called ‘shorting the silver’ or ‘looting’.

Bottom line is that this is the modus of Keynesian Economics (Cronie Capitalism) where the corrupt big boys & girls determine what is valuable and what is not by means of written paper. The Gold standard of which The United States built its Empire upon was known as Austrian Economics ~ this was based upon ‘real’ supply and demand. Keynesian economics would set its own supply and demand allowing them to exploit all facets of monetary gain by their own ‘standards’ which is known as Greed.

They hope to prevent a ‘SILVER SHORT SQUEEZE’ While WE hope to cause one and bring the world back to the Gold Standard Of Supply And Demand.


How? The London Banks are bankrupt, they have fraudulently printed so much derivative paper credit, that they are ‘en masse’ attempting to pawn these debts off to Nation States. They do this by calling it the Nation’s debt (when it is really the bank’s debt) and then through force, THE BANKS print out more paper for SO CALLED BAILOUT, which then enslaves the Nation State‘s People, to work off their VACUOUS PAPER DEBT Scheme.

{{This is a perpetual bilking scheme}}

This is What The Global Financial Crisis is all about – The International Bankers In London, Are Pawning Worthless Paper To Subject Nations To Serfdom aka; financial slavery where they call ALL THE SHOTS.

When The Markets Are Forced To Crash ~ Silver (which is REAL VALUE) Will Sky Rocket Past Their Derivative Paper Schemes. Those Who Hold Silver Will Be Outside The Affects Of The Banker’s Orchestrated Financial Crisis. The Demand For Silver Will Out Pace Them. The

Bankers will try to say that since their is a crash, the demand for silver has also crashed. But don’t buy into ANYTHING they say. Silver is also a consumable metal used extensively in manufacturing and the supply of silver is becoming more scarce. The same argument can be made for gold, yes gold is consumed, but compared to silver it is minimal. Though gold has very high value because it used to back the USD and we maybe getting back to that when we over throw the NWO Banksters. The best way is to take possession of metals and enact the Glass Steagall Act  ~ H.R. 1489 which outlaws Derivative Paper which Bill Clinton allowed in 1999.

As I Write, Today Silver per ounce is about $30.73. 1 Silver Eagle Coin is 1 ounce of which you pay upfront for commission of about $4.00/ounce to the metal/coin dealer.

So 1 American Eagle will cost $34.73 as of today! Silver may go down some more based upon what the hell these derivative sellers in London may do – so keep buying 1 or 2 or 100 etc etc American Eagle every payday. It is my estimation that we are going to have a 1-3 month lull in the economy and then the fire works should start up.

This is my opinion, so do your own fact finding corroboration and then decide. I hope everyone of my readers do well! Better yet, I would like to see the Glass Steagall Act passed immediately, to nullify the bailouts our Congress subjected us to.

If one can afford Gold, which is today at $1,629.50/ounce, fine, but I believe Silver has far more potential at multiplying your initial investment. I think Gold could double or triple, whereas Silver after the $50/ounce is unchartered territory. Keep in mind, that this global financial crunch is unchartered territory as well.